
时间:2024-11-17 12:04:57编辑:揭秘君


  美女,一般解释为容貌美丽的女子。中国古代关于美女的形容词和诗词歌赋众多,形成了丰富的美学资料。那么,你知道美女的英语怎么说吗?   美女的英文释义:   peri   belle   femme fatale   lovely   looker   charmer   美女的英文例句:   是房地产选择了美女还是美女选择了房地产?   Is the beauty of real estate options chosen real estate or beauty?   进献美女淫声,以迷惑其君主的意志;   Introduce beautiful women and licentious sounds in order to befuddle him.   直译版:做丑女的第一次强过做美女的第一百次。   It is better to be first with an ugly woman then the hundredth with beauty. 美女英语怎么说   新的拷贝图层,要在 其它 美女图层后。   This new copy has to go behind the other layers of the girl.   首页>>明星八卦>>美女主持人有什么特殊癖好?   What peculiar favourite hobby does beautiful woman anchorperson have?   那美女以前是个丑小鸭。   That beauty once was an ugly duckling.   站在窗边的那个大美女是你的普通朋友还是女朋友?   Is the hot babe by the window your bud friend or sweetheart friend?   那个人因昨天一位美女的目送秋波而狂喜不止。   The man is overjoyed because a pretty girl gave him the glad eye yesterday.   那为什么小美女们还穿着漂亮的连衣裙呢?   Why else would the little liars be in beautiful dresses?   你是在什么地方认识那个美女的?   Where did you dig the beautiful woman?   我看过《美女与野兽》-,哪一个?   I watched Beauty and Beast. -Which one?   这位绅士被一位美女迷住了。   The gentleman is besotted by a beautiful young girl.   如果你喜欢开放的女孩,你可以选荷兰美女。   If you like bold girls you can choose Holland Beauty.   在最后的节目里大卫在墙上喷射上油漆,然后三个美女从墙里走了出来。   In the last game, David sprayed paint on the wall. Then three beauties walked outof it.   没有任何一部动画影片得到过这一奖项,只有《美女与野兽》获得过提名。   No animated movie has ever won in that category, and only one, “Beauty and theBeast, ” has been nominated.   哪个国家可以被称为美女之国呢?   Which country can be called country of beauty?   令她出乎意料的是,这些照片帮她赢得了“论坛头号美女”的称号。生平第一次有陌生人欣赏自己,她有些喜出望外。   To her surprise, the photos won her top billing as "Forum Beauty". She was thrilled to be appreciated by strangers for the first time in her life.   如果你踩到了另一块,一个正在沐浴的美女便会藏到树丛里去   If you stepped somewhere else, a bathing beauty would cover herself up behind some bushes   现在我不能把美女与野兽中的“加斯东歌”排出我的脑海,这部分是关于每天早上吃5打鸡蛋将成为强劲。   And now I can't get the "Gaston Song" from Beauty and the Beast out of my head,the part about eating 5 dozen eggs every morning to become strong.   古德曼说:“这些美女类型是由杂志的时尚版编辑定的。”   "These beauty types were determined by fashion editors at magazines, "Goodman said.   我们讨论了中国的女权主义以及像棉棉和卫慧这样的“美女作家”。   We discussed feminism in China and the "women writing beauties" like Mian Mianand Wei Hui.   美女与野兽、灰姑娘和睡美人,这些都属于公众领域。   Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty were all in the publicdomain.   但是西班牙美女有一种不羁的诱惑。   But Spanish beauty has the temptation of uninhibited.   美女,我很高兴你没有受到虐待,但卖淫是一个有毒的解决办法,一个什么也解决不了的办法。   I am glad you were not battered, Belle, but prostitution is a poisoned solution; asolution to nothing.   而在1991年,《沉默的羔羊》也击败了《美女与野兽》。   In 1991 The Silence of the Lambs beat Beauty and the Beast.   藉由变成理想中的美女,它们得到其他人的赞同和注目。   By transforming into an ideal beauty, they earn the approval of others andreceive positive attention.   在嘲笑声和别人的凝视中度过了整个青春期,在虚拟世界里,她有生以来第一次被欢呼为“美女”。   Living with sneers and stares all through puberty, it was in the virtual world that Zeng was hailed as a "beauty" for the first time in her life.   请在这里发表您的评论并与智慧美女的其他成员分享您关于这个错误说法的想法。   Leave a comment and share your thoughts about this myth with the rest of theBeauty Brains community.   是的,去年秋天我和她在矛盾文学奖上说过话。我们讨论了中国的女权主义以及像棉棉和卫慧这样的“美女作家”。   LM: Yes, I spoke to her at the Mao Dun Prize last fall. We discussed feminism inChina and the "women writing beauties" like Mian Mian and Wei Hui.   这位 爱好 者说,电影《美女与野兽》与其配音激起了他的迪斯尼情结。现在他已收集了大量迪斯尼电影海报,结果家里已经没有墙壁可贴了。   The fan said, the “Beauty and the Beast” movie and its soundtrack initiated hisDisney obsession, and he has now collected so many Disney movie posters he’s “run out of wall” for them at home.


亲亲~您好!美女,指容貌姣好、仪态优雅的女子。中国古代关于美女的形容词和诗词歌赋众多,形成了丰富的美学资料。美女一词出自于《墨子·公孟》:譬若美女,处而不出,人争求之。现在网络流行语 意思是女生都叫美女,女性的统称 生活中比较年轻的人用这个词比较多,陌生熟悉都可以喊美女,比较好交流。[心][心][心]【回答】



