
时间:2024-10-07 17:11:25编辑:揭秘君


减轻体重:Weight loss双语例句:Would you like a safe yet healthy weight loss solution? 想要一个安全且健康的瘦身方式?And that's some information about Pilates and weight loss. 以上内容就是关于普拉提和瘦身的一些信息。Symptoms of the disease include fever and weight loss. 这种疾病的症状包括发烧和体重减轻。The weight loss began to look more serious. 体重下降眼看开始变得愈发厉害了。Most pre-prepared weight loss products are next to useless. 大多数预制减肥产品几乎都没有什么功效。Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con. 有神奇减肥效果的瘦身点心是一个骗局。


减轻体重的英文lose weight。双语例句:1人们若和朋友一起减肥,就会减轻体重。People will lose weight when they slim down with a friend.2不管你多大年龄,你都可以通过这个方案减轻体重。No matter what your age, you can lose weight by following this programme.3为了减轻体重,她每天早晨慢跑。She jogs every morning to get rid of her excess weight.4它可以帮你减轻体重。It helps you lose weight.5减轻体重可以通过锻炼和营养用餐来实现。Weight loss can be achieved by physical activity and a nutritious diet.6凯西:这就能帮你减轻体重吗?Casey: And this has helped you lose weight?7提问:跑步真能帮助我减轻体重吗?Question: Can Running Help Me Lose Weight?8健身,减轻体重,不吸烟,吃得小心。Work out, lose weight, don't smoke, eat carefully.

