问题一:去年夏天用英语怎么说 the summer of last year
问题二:我去年夏天第一次去美国用英语这么说 你好
我去年夏天第一次去美国 翻译成英语是:
I went to America for the first time last summer.
问题三:“去年暑假”用英文怎么说 last summer vacation 去年暑假 或 last summer
I happened on an old country hotel during the last summer vacation.
Last summer I went to Wuhan and dropped in on my friends.
问题四:去年夏天我在我姥姥家过了一个夏天 用英文怎么翻译 We spent a summer at my grandmother`s home last summer.
问题五:去年夏天她去哪度假了用英语怎么说 Where did she spend her holiday last summer?
问题六:在去年夏天获西门子杯国家比赛一等奖用英语怎么说 In the first prize in the Siemens cup national last summer
去年夏天英语是last summer。关于去年夏天的双语例句有:1、Last summer she issued an apology after a speech in which she criticism America for seeming to give the finger to the world, something deemed unpatriotic by some of her adopted countrymen.去年夏天,她对于自己批评美国似乎是对全世界竖中指一事做出道歉,她的批评被她的某些同胞们视为辱国。2、He re-signed with the Lakers last summer and rejoined bryant in the backcourt.暑假他和湖人再次签约,重新与科比搭档坐镇湖人后场。3、I didn't do anything last summer;I just bummed around.去年夏天我游手好闲,什么正经事也没做。4、During the 3-day training programme last summer, we got a better understanding of the current situation of local heritage and monument sites.在暑假三天的培训课程中,我认识了香港文物及古迹的近况。