Lesson1 The Polynesians
The Polynesians were probably the best explorers in the history of the world. They traveled thousands of kilometers across the Pacific Ocean in large boats called “double canoes. ” They could look at the starts and know which way to go. They also understood the winds and the ocean currents. They made maps of the starts and the ocean currents. They made maps of the sticks and shells.
About 4000 years ago, a group of people lived in southern China. They were a mixture of white, black, and Mongol people. When the Chinese moved farther and farther into the south, these people needed to find safer homes.
Slowly these people left China in their double canoes and started toward the southeast. They took animals and plant with them. A group of people might arrive at an island and stay there until they had children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Then a few families might start traveling again. Some canoes went one way and some another. It took hundreds of years for them to reach all of the islands in Polynesia.
The double canoe is one of the greatest inventions in history. The Polynesians were among the greatest sailors in history. They understood how to sail by the stars and use the winds and ocean currents. This made them great explorers.
百科英语 翻译 有文
独自航行 1996年,斯巴鲁独自横穿太平洋。他和其他独自横穿太平洋的人相比,是与众不同的。因为他是独自穿越太平洋的人中,年龄最小的,仅仅14岁。 斯巴鲁于1996年7月22日离开东京。他的船30英尺长(9米)。在船上,他准备了两个月的食物和淡水的给养。同时,他也有一台无线电和航海用的其他现代设备。 在旅程的最开始是非常顺利的,他经常和他的父母通过无线电进行交流,他的船也没有任何问题。但是,在8月11日,船的引擎坏了。突然之间,斯巴鲁失去了电力供应。这一意外影响了航行设备的正常运转。5天之后,他的无线电也停止了工作。此时的他已不能和任何人进行交流。同时他离他的,目的地旧金山还有2770英里远。 一直到8月底,很多人都相信斯巴鲁已经失踪了。没有一个人能通过无线电和他取得联系。他的父母原期望他在9月3日抵达旧金山,但是他没有。但是,在9月13日,斯巴鲁航行到了旧金山。在经历了55天的旅程后,他终于抵达了。 很多人认为斯巴鲁太小了不适合独自航行。他们说,他的父母不应该让他们的孩子进行如此危险的旅行。然而,另一些人却认为,孩子应当有冒险精神,你是怎么想的呢?