
时间:2024-09-21 10:49:43编辑:揭秘君

Another Man Done Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Another Man Done Gone歌手:Odetta专辑:Best Of The Vanguard YearsOdetta - Another Man Done Gone(Sings Ballads and Blues)Another man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.I didn't know his nameI didn't know his nameI didn't know his nameI didn't know his nameDidn't know his nameHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHad a long chain onThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manKilled another manAnother man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.http://music.baidu.com/song/2709962

Another Man Done Gone 歌词

歌曲名:Another Man Done Gone歌手:Odetta专辑:At Town HallOdetta - Another Man Done Gone(Sings Ballads and Blues)Another man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.I didn't know his nameI didn't know his nameI didn't know his nameI didn't know his nameDidn't know his nameHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHe had a long chain onHad a long chain onThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manThey killed another manKilled another manAnother man done goneAnother man done goneAnother man done goneFrom the country farmAnother man done gone.http://music.baidu.com/song/2699525


发型师艺名有:1、安琪安字的寓意是平安,吉祥,用作名字时意指安居乐业,幸福安逸的意思;琪字寓意是珍异,美玉,用在名字中意指稀世珍宝,大富大贵,冰清玉洁之意。2、亦柔亦字指也,也是,同样的意思,在人名中主要寓意是文静内秀,杰出的含义;柔字指温柔,柔美,柔玉,用作人的名字寓指性格温和,柔美。3、俊熙俊字指相貌清秀好看,英武,高尚,才智出众,用作人的名字寓指年轻有为,英俊潇洒的意思;熙字指兴盛,光明,吉祥,用作人名意指清秀前程,喜笑颜开,繁荣昌盛的意思。4、夏天夏天是一年四季最火热的一个季节,意味着开朗,热情,心情舒畅,豁达大度的意思。5、boyd-博伊德一般在发型师的英文艺名中,字母最好在4~6个,而boyd是一个很适合男发型师的英文名。名字的寓意是实际,有责任感,能力强,稳定可靠的意思,而且读起来很简单好听。6、samuel -塞缪尔在取英文名最好避免过于常见的,否则不仅不会给人洋气好听的感觉,这个名字适合男发型师,名字的寓意是热情的,气场很强的,渴望成功,被祝福的人,无我的付出。7、emma -艾玛女发型师的英文名,一般比较可爱好记,读起来也很好听,自带好接触的属性。而emma就是这样一个艺名,名字的艺名寓指文静的,诚信,气场很强,创造力强,善于分析的意思。8、megan -梅甘发型师给人的感觉是很时尚的,有着当下最流行的发色,那名字当然也不能落后,也要赶上潮流,megan就很适合女发型师作为艺名。名字的寓意是正直,珍珠的意思,名字印象是善于察言观色,逻辑分析能力强,有精神追求之意。

