come and go
After much toing and froing we got all the children back to their homes.
The noise is absolutely dreadful—you can hear the traffic day and night.
He bought a bicycle last week, and it makes it easier for him to get round.
Heavy truck traffic disturbed the neighborhood
往来 [wǎnglái]
1. 动词 [去和来] come and go
2. 动词 [交往]
两国往来密切。 Contacts between the two countries are close 往来的车辆 automobiles are coming and going 往来的行人 pedestrians are coming and going 资金往来 to receive and pay out money 业务往来 a business relationship 人员往来 staff turnover 友好往来 friendly exchanges 民间往来 non-governmental contact 不相往来 to have no contact with each other 往来密切 to maintain close ties with someone