
时间:2024-09-11 18:06:30编辑:揭秘君


“益博网” 于2010年6月1日正式上线,是国内首家专业博客门户网,以博客为媒介,集娱乐、交友、商业一体化的综合性平台。通过这个平台,博主在娱乐的同时,可以分享网络收益,而商家在宣传推广企业形象和文化的同时,获得强大的络营销效应。简而言之,益博网是博主开博也能赚钱的乐园,是企业营销的利器,平凡的你也能成为明星的平台,单身的你能找到另一半的伊甸园。


它是由益博网络科技有限公司开发并运营的广西最大的专业性博客门户网站。博客与网友线上线下紧密联系。益博网提供博主在线的交流的空间,同时举办各种类型的活动,让博主在现实中可以面对面交流,并共同参与话题讨论、和谐生活、文化娱乐等有意义的社会实践活动,促进网络及社会的双领 域和谐。在名气积累到一定程度的博客将会拥有博客金行的收益。
4、企业博客; 这是一个为企业展示自己宣传自己的平台,在里边企业可以以自己公司名字注册博客名,然后发布企业新闻动态,以及发布产品,这样产品就会展示在益博网企业博客首页。


广西特色民俗文化有:1、瑶族盘王节;2、壮族嘹歌;3、三江侗族大歌;4、彩调;5、壮族霜降节。 1、瑶族盘王节 瑶族盘王节源自农历十月十六日的盘王节歌会。每逢这天,瑶民便汇聚一起,载歌载舞,纪念盘王,并逐渐发展为盘王节。 2、壮族嘹歌 壮族嘹歌是因为其唱法中每一句都有“嘹—嘹—嘹”作为衬词拖腔而得名。在壮语中,“嘹”含有“唱歌玩乐”的意思,是壮族“好歌”“以歌为乐”的民族文化心理的生动体现。 3、三江侗族大歌 广西三江侗族大歌主要流传于三江县梅林、富禄、洋溪乡沿溶江河一带的侗寨和罗城的侗族村寨。三江大歌通常在节日里由男女歌队坐在鼓楼或围在火塘边进行对唱,以此来讲述人生哲理,传授生产生活知识。 4、彩调 彩调是清代北方的柳子戏流传到桂北以后与当地民间俚曲小调紧密结合而形成的地方剧种,因其唱腔中常用“哪嗬咿嗬嗨”为衬词,故民间又称之为“哪嗬嗨”或“咿嗬嗨”。 5、壮族霜降节 壮族霜降节是指每年农历九月,既壮语里称的“旦那”(晚稻收割结束)之后的霜降期间,劳作了一年的壮族乡民们,用新糯米做成“糍那”、“迎霜粽”,招待亲朋好友。


广西是具有丰富多元文化氛围的地方,因此,适合发展多种文化特色,以下是其中一些:1. 民族文化特色。广西拥有众多的少数民族,如壮、瑶、苗、侗等,每个民族都有自己独特的传统文化,如民歌、舞蹈、服饰、节日、民俗等。发扬和传承这些文化,可以丰富广西文化的多元性和特色,也可以促进各民族之间的相互了解和沟通。2. 沿海文化特色。广西是中国南方重要的沿海地区之一,拥有着丰富的渔业资源和优美的海滨风光。在发展沿海文化方面,可以着重强调广西南海风情、渔村风味、海洋体验等方面,让人们更多地了解和感受广西独特的深度和意义。3. 生态文化特色。广西的天然景观非常丰富多,如桂林山水、龙胜茶山、巴马奇峰等。发展生态文化,可以让人们更多地了解和感受广西的自然之美,也可以促进人与自然的和谐发展。总之,广西适合发展的文化特色不胜枚举,只要结合广西的自然和人文资源,有计划、有针对性地进行规划和运作,相信一定可以有效地推动广西文化的发展和繁荣。






   2015年9月17日托福口语真题及答案解析:    Task 1   Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for students, an outdoor camping night, a musicial festival to experience the local culture or a computer game contention in the dormitory.which do you think is the best?     Sample Answer   If my university will sponsor an activity for students, I'll definitely choose the outdoor camping night. Firstly, it's a great chance to take a break from all the stress we have. Right before my final exam last semester I went camping with a couple of friends, we did a lot of fun stuff, we had a bonfire party at night, we all sat around the fire and sang songs, shared s'mores and everyone had a great time. Also, a camping night can teach us quite a few practical things, I learnt how to set up a tent and how to make BBQ in the wild.    Task 2   Some people prefer to listen to recorded music, while others prefer to enjoy a live performance. Which do you prefer? Expalin why.     Sample Answer   I prefer listening to recorded music for the following reasons. First of all, I don't think there's too much difference between recorded music and live performances, I actually think most of the times recorded music is better. For instance, I like to sit in my own room, make a cup of coffee and listen to the works of my favorite musicians, it's so much quieter than a live concert where people shout and get out of control and I can better appreciate the music itself. Also, I have to admit recorded music is much cheaper. It's a more economical way to enjoy music for someone with a limited budget like me.    Task 3   The student proposes that the university should remove some of the computers and expand the computer lab for two reasons. The first reason is that students don't have space to put all their stuff and the second reason is that not a lot of students use the computers so it won't cause any problems. In the conversation, the man disagrees with the proposal. In the first reason, he mentions that students usually only have two or three books to read when they prepare for their papers so it's really not that much space needed for their stuff. As for the second reason, he points out that there are many students who need to use the computers at night, sometimes there's even a line, it's only in the morning when there are not many students in the computer lab.    Task 4   In the lecture, the professor talks about the definition of spotlight which means sometimes we care too much about our small mistakes while others don't really care that much. He offers us an example of himself, when he was a freshman he attended a meeting for the university newspaper, at first everything went very well, but later the professor accidentally spilled some water and he was really embarrassed. Later when they talked about that meeting everyone complimented the professor and said he was impressive, and the professor apologized for the little incident, to his surprise, people seemed confused and didn't really know what he was referring to because they already forgot about it.    Task 5   The woman's problem is that she wants too see her friend in another city and she plans to drive there, but it's really difficult to find a parking space in her university. There are two possible solutions. The first one is to take a bus there. And the second solution is drive there but park somewhere else. If I were in her shoes, I'd go for the second solution, because she can arrive there on time and it's convenient for her to use the car at anytime. I personally don't recommend the other solution because she'll have to put off dinner with her friend, it's a little rude and she'll get really hungry.    Task 6   In the lecture, the professor talks about how some plants adapt to harsh environment. He offers to examples to illustrate it. The first kind of plants have their roots deep down in the soil, and there are only a few centimeters above the ground, this is really helpful because they get to avoid quite a lot of wind damage. And the second kind of plants have special leaves with waxy substance on them, this way they can absorb a lot of water and it's good for their survival too.    猜你对以下内容感兴趣:


   2015年11月21日托福口语真题及答案解析:    Task 1   Talk about one of your special ways to study.   One of my special ways to study is to make wise use of my smart phone. It may sound crazy to study using a smart phone at first, but here are some reasons you may find convincing. Firstly, it significantly increased my study efficiency. Before when I was in class, I needed to spend a lot of time taking notes, not only was it tiresome, it also made me miss a lot of important information my teacher had to say. Now I bring my smart phone with me to class, and every time I need to take notes, I simply take a picture of the screen in front. It helped me better focus on what the teacher is saying and it's so much more time-saving. Besides that, I also started a study group using WeChat, my classmates and I share class notes and our ideas for group projects there all the time. So using my smart phone has been a pretty unique and efficient way to help me study.    Task 2   Do you agree or disagree that it's acceptable for students to disagree with their instructors?   I agree that it's acceptable for students to disagree with their instructors for the following reasons. Firstly, disagreeing with our instructors means that we are thinking independently and may even push us to study harder. Take myself as an example, when I was in college, I sometimes would disagree with what my instructor said in our philosophy class, so what did I do? Every time I finished my philosophy class, I'd spend hours in the university library trying to find proof to prove that I was right and he was wrong. In the end, it didn't even matter any more who was right or who was wrong. What was important was that through the process of trying to prove myself right, I learnt a lot of new things that I didn't learn in class. Plus, it's important for universities to protect the ideas of students, if we don't allow them to disagree with something, they will never be able to build up their independent thinking ability and critical thinking ability.    Task 3   The university is planning to open the university gym to people off-campus due to two reasons. The first reason is that the university can charge them a monthly fee and use the money to upgrade the gym facility. And the second reason is that it won't affect the students' life that much. In the conversation, the woman agrees with the plan. Her first reason is that it'd necessary now for the university to upgrade the facilities because some of them are really old, this way the university doesn't have to charge the students or the faculty. As for the second reason, she mentions that it's a pretty small town anyway, so not a lot of people will use the gym and it won't make too big a difference for students.    Task 4   In the lecture, the professor introduces the concept of generalizing which means children are able to realize that a word doesn't only mean a specific object but also other means other objects of the same category as they grow up. He offers us an example of his own son. When he was much younger, he learnt the word 'train', at first his understanding of this word was pretty limited, he thought it only referred to his toy train. But as he grew up, it came to his understanding that the word 'train' not only refers to his toy train but also other real trains in life. That's how the professor uses the example of his son to illustrate the concept of generalizing.    Task 5   The man's problem is that he wants to go on a trip with his French club during spring break but he can't afford it. There are two possible solutions for him. The first solution is to pick up some extra shifts at work. And the second solution is to sell his guitar and uses the money for the trip. If I were in his shoes, I'd go for the second solution because I don't see the importance of his guitar in his life, it's not like he's going to be a musician or something, it wouldn't hurt to sell it and use the money for the trip he really wants to take. I personally don't recommend the other solution because he has an upcoming exam and picking up extra shifts would take up the time he's supposed to spend on studying.    Task 6   In the lecture, the professor introduces two benefits of loyal customers. The first one is to spread positive information about the company. For example, there's a guy whose car broke down, so he took it to a repair shop, he really enjoyed the service there and thought it was nice and attentive. So next time if his friend's car broke down, he would definitely recommend this repair shop to his friend. The other benefit is that loyal customers can be helpful to the other customers. For example, the professor encountered a guy who couldn't find books about history when she was in her favorite bookstore, so she led the guy to where all the history books were directly without troubling a shop assistant.    猜你对以下内容感兴趣:


1。ED 全称early decision,意思是留学美国只能申请一所学校,而且录了就一定要去。
  2。EA 全称early action ,有两种情况:一种要求只能申请一所,另一种是可以申请多所。它和ED最大的区别是录取了可以不一定去。
  目前美国实施early decision或early action方案的大专校院仍有四百余所。
比如,在 University of Pennsylvania, 申请Early Decision 的学生占了申请总数多过45 的比重。Early Decision的录取率是30。而普通录取的录取率则是17。大部分顶尖的大学在提前申请的时候,就已经录取了当年录取总数的25到50的人数;近年来,常春藤盟校有40的学生是提前申请时就被录取了。
3。RD 全称regular decison。就是一般意义上的申请,可以同时申请多个学校。截止日期一般是在一月、二月。
  4。RO:全称rolling 即学校没有固定的截止日期,滚动录取。


答案如下:1、美国留学申请条件:语言参加必要的衡量语言能力的考试:托福或者雅思,取得可用的分数:80或者6分。美国大学申请的时候对英语有不同的要求,但一般申请本科时都要求有托福成绩80分或100分。但有一些大学可以给一些没有托福成绩的学生提供双录取的课程,即提供语言和专业课的双录取。2、美国留学申请条件:学历大学本科在读和大专生可以申请以tra fer student的身份申请继续攻读本科学位,而申请者在国内的一些相关学分会得到美国大学的承认,去了美国留学生活后,可以省去修这些学分的时间和金钱,申请者需要具备大学本科及以上的学历,一般来说,没有学士学位,就无法直接申请美国的硕士学位。3、美国留学申请条件:智商测试单纯的语言能力不能衡量一个学生是否能足够聪明,能有高智商完成在校的学习,因此必要的两个考试作为补充:SAT或者ACT考试。SAT成绩正成为美国大学决定录取和评定奖学金发放的越来越重要的参考指标。美国绝大部分大学要求申请者提交SAT I成绩,优秀的大学还会要求学生提交至少两门的SAT II成绩(顶尖大学要求三门SAT II成绩)。可以说,SAT成绩是申请美国大学本科的重要敲门砖。随着想冲击美国名校的学生逐年增多,每年,SAT高分者层出不穷,在竞争越来越激烈的情形下,同学们更需要提早准备,努力备考。


2017年新春招聘会时间安排: 每周四、六定期举办 下午1:30—5:30
招聘会地址 :天津市太阳树创意产业园,河东区南横街27号



【地址一】天津招聘会——今晚报大厦 ★★★★★

【地址二】天津滨海新区(塘沽)招聘会——天津滨海国际会展中心 ★★★★★

【地址三】天津滨海新区(大港)每周六招聘会 ★★★★★










在 58 道 SAT 数学部分中,填空题或学生制作的回答约占 22%。与多项选择题相反,正确答案始终是提供的选项之一,填空题要求考生独立得出正确答案。SAT多长时间?填空题出现在考试的计算器和非计算器部分,它们出现在这两个部分的末尾。要在填空题输入中取得成功,学生必须首先了解真正的基础知识——更具体地说,填写答卷的正确程序。每个书面答案必须与最左侧或最右侧的方框齐平,并且您还必须填写每个方框下方的相应气泡。分数的小数点和斜线要各自占据一格,每格只能选一个气泡。您可以访问College Board 的网站,获取有关如何记录此类问题的答案的更详细说明。SAT 数学填空题的开放性和严格规则使它们对一些学生来说尤其令人生畏。为了更好地为这些项目做好准备,让我们分析学生在使用填空题插入时往往面临的三个常见问题以及如何解决这些问题:不知道如何开始解决填空题。不知道如何管理你的时间。不知道如何“健全检查”你的工作。学生还可以采取一些简单的步骤来建立他们对这种问题类型的舒适度,如本文底部所述。?不知道如何开始解决填空题尽管这些 SAT 数学问题具有不同的名称和格式,但填空题很像多项选择题。事实上,应该以类似的方式处理它们:首先评估您拥有哪些信息以及您需要哪些信息,然后选择适当的流程来获取您需要的信息。重要的是要注意多项选择的答案通常是为了欺骗你。因此,与其立即查看答案选择,不如依靠您的背景知识来创建自己的预测。只有在你有了解决方案后才考虑答案选择,因为只有这样你才能聪明地消除每一种可能性。应该像对待任何其他数学问题一样解决填空题。确定可用于回答问题的有用信息和流程或公式。填空题的关键是确保您在最后节省几秒钟的时间来正确填写您的答案。?不知道如何管理你的时间学生应该给自己额外的时间来完成填空题。这个额外的时间,以秒而不是分钟来衡量,不应被解释为意味着填空题比选择题更难。相反,额外的时间用于仔细填写您的答卷。要习惯填空题的时间分配,请始终使用计时器完成练习题。尝试连续完成几个填空题,以便重复该过程并将其记入记忆。通过提前学习填写答卷的所有说明,您可以避免在考试当天浪费时间。这些说明应该成为你的第二天性,这样你就不会在考试当天花时间有意识地思考它们。?不知道如何“检查”你的答案在这种情况下,认真检查是一种快速的常识性检查,一旦您相信自己已经得出问题的最终答案,就应该执行该检查。例如,没有选项可以在答卷上记录负数。出于这个原因,填空题的正确答案永远不会是否定的。如果你得到一个负数,这应该是一个危险信号,表明你犯了一个错误,如果时间允许,你应该检查一下你的工作。另一个危险信号可能是获得很大的百分比或分数。例如,假设您在此练习测试中有以下问题:“下表将 103 种元素分类为金属、准金属或非金属,以及标准温度和压力下的固体、液体或气体。” 如表所示,在 90 种固体中,77 种是金属,7 种是准金属,6 种是非金属。在这两种液体中,一种是金属,一种是非金属。在这 11 种气体中,都是非金属的。要回答的问题是:“表中所有固体和液体中,准金属的比例是多少?”你的答案应该等于一个小于 1 的值,因为 1 意味着表中 100% 的固体和液体是非金属——而事实并非如此。因此,如果您计算 92/7 或任何其他头重脚轻的分数,这应该向您表明出现问题。在另一个问题中另一个明显错误的答案是大于 180 度的三角形的角度。最后总是通过问自己你的答案是否可行来进行理智检查。?如何适应填空题准备SAT数学部分的学生应该记住填空题的内容和顺序。关于内容,这些问题可以涵盖您通常作为多项选择题遇到的任何数学主题:线性方程、比率等。至于排序,虽然 SAT 数学问题倾向于从最简单到最难排序,但要知道前几个填空题比最后几个选择题更容易。因此,您应该始终尝试前几个填空题,如果您完全被难住或时间不多了,则只将最后几个留空。如果您对填空题感到不舒服,请首先尝试停止将它们视为与其他数学问题完全不同的问题。您在数学教科书和数学课程中遇到的许多问题都是开放式的,因此您已经对类似项目进行了大量练习。由于 SAT 数学部分只有 13 道填空题,您可能会发现很快就没有问题可以练习了。但好消息是:既然单选题和格子题本质上是一样的内容,你可以假装单选题是格子题。只需掩盖答案选项并在答题纸上填写您的答案即可。您可以轻松打印更多答卷或复印实体版。对 SAT 数学填空题的恐惧通常可以追溯到对此类问题复杂性的误解。一旦学生记住了填空题的说明,许多人会发现这些问题毕竟并不那么苦难,反而有一些简单。


首先,打好词汇基础。sat阅读考试要求考生有1万单词左右的词汇量。就其可操作性而言,然后考试中先做句子填空题,为阅读文章节省时间。 在词汇积累到一定程度的前提下, 难度比较大的题型采用排除法。 SAT阅读考试重点考察考生对于美国大学教材的快速阅读能力,篇章阅读把握分析性思维。 篇章阅读的重点则在于把握其考查的实质。SAT:SAT,也称 “美国高考” ,是由美国大学理事会(College Board)主办的一项标准化的、以笔试形式进行的高中毕业生学术能力水平考试。其成绩是世界各国高中毕业生申请美国高等教育院校入学资格及奖学金的重要学术能力参考指标。SAT考试总分为1600分,分为阅读(400分)、文法(400分)和数学(800分)三个部分,另有总分为24分。

