ukiss stop girl中文歌词
Hoon: oh 坦率的说到此为止吧 真的不是最后一次了
no more, I’m so tired
kiseop: oh 再等一等不要被看见流泪
Eli: 时间流逝
And the tears in your eyes tellin’ me goodbye
kevin: Some days 会后悔吧
Some days 也会哭吧
Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
秀铉: 为你放下一切 为你而爱
And now my heart is depleted
可是你为什么 hey hey
合: Stop girl, in the name of love
Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh
Stop girl, in the name of love
kevin: 这不是梦啊 I know your love isn’t real
【Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah】
kiseop: And I know that 这难道不是爱情吗
Hoon: 你也很清楚吧
kevin: Some days 会后悔吧
Some days 也会哭吧
Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
秀铉: 为你放下一切 为你而爱
And now my heart is depleted
合: Stop girl, in the name of love
Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh
Stop girl, in the name of love
秀铉: 这不是梦啊 I know your love isn’t real
东浩: NOW STOP 现在这样的关系到此为止吧
Eli: STOP 有时你会在电视上出现 装作无所谓的样子笑笑
又装做其他的样子 什么都不知道的样子
你总是装作很酷的样子 现在就这样离开了
合: Stop girl, in the name of love
(kevin: 我们是相爱的)
Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh
Stop girl, in the name of love
秀铉: 这不是梦啊 I know your love isn’t real
kevin: 你也很累 我也知道
你也很累 我也知道
(秀铉:这不是梦啊 I know your love isn’t real)
合: Stop girl, in the name of love
跪求U-kiss的“stop girl”中文歌词。
UKISS-Stop Girl中文跟谐音歌词
坦率的说到此为止吧真的不是 最后一次了 no more, I’m so tired kiseop: oh 再等一等不要被看见流泪 时间流逝 And the tears in your eyes tellin’ me go odbye Some days 会后悔吧 Some days 也会哭吧 Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away ye ah 为你放下一切为你而爱 And now my heart is depleted 可是你为什么 Stop girl, in the name of love Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh Stop girl, in the name of love 这不是梦啊I know your love isn’t real And I know that 这难道不是爱情 吗 我们之间不是游戏吧 Hoon: 你也很清楚吧 Some days 会后悔吧 Some days 也会哭吧 Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away ye ah 为你放下一切为你而爱 And now my heart is depleted 可是你为什么 Stop girl, in the name of love Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh Stop girl, in the name of love 这不是梦啊I know your love isn’ t real NOW STOP 现在这样的关系到此 为止吧 我有什么义务在深夜和你通话 说着要好好睡觉却总是觉得不安 不要好奇我们令人悲伤的关系了 STOP 有时你会在电视上出现装作无 所谓的样子笑笑 又装做其他的样子什么都不知道的样子 你总是装作很酷的样子现在就这样离开 了 Stop girl, in the name of love (我们是相爱的) Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh Stop girl, in the name of love 这不是梦啊I know your love isn’ t real 你也很累我也知道 但是没有彼此就无法生存下去啊 你也很累我也知道 但是没有彼此就无法生存下去啊 (这不是梦啊I know your love is n’t real) Stop girl, in the nam
e of love.
求U-KISS的stop girl 的中韩歌词
stop girl——u-kiss
Oh, ??? ???
????? ?? ???? ???
no more, I’m so tired
【no more, I’m so tired】
Oh, ?? ???? ?? ???? ?
??? ???
And the tears in your eyes tellin’ me goodbye
【And the tears in your eyes tellin’ me goodbye】
Some days ?? ??? Some days ??? ???
Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
【Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah】
? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ??? ??
And now my heart is depleted ?? ? ? ??
【And now my heart is depleted 可是你为何要如此】
Stop girl, in the name of love
Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh
Stop girl, in the name of love
?? ???? I know your love isn’t real
【这将不会是梦 I know your love isn’t real】
Yeah (x4)
And I know that ?? ??? ????
?? ??? ???? u
【我们不是在玩游戏 u】
?? ? ???
Some days ?? ??? Some days ??? ???
Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
【Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah】
? ?? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ??? ??
And now my heart is depleted ?? ? ? ??
【And now my heart is depleted 可是你为何要如此】
Stop girl, in the name of love
Stop girl, in the name of love Eh Eh
Stop girl, in the name of love
?? ???? I know your love isn’t real
【这将不会是梦 I know your love isn’t real】
NOW STOP ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??? ??
?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ??
??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ?? ? ??? ?? ???
? ?? ?? ? ??? ??? ? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ??
Stop girl, in the name of love
?? ????? ?? ???
Stop girl in the name of love Eh Eh
Stop girl in the name of love
?? ???? I know your love isn’t real
?? ???? ?? ? ??
??? ?? ?? ? ? ???
?? ???? I know your love isn’t real
【这将不会是梦 I know your love isn’t real】
Stop girl, in the name of love
1.《心酸的浪漫》歌手:那英,《心酸的浪漫》表达的是一种和曾深爱过的人在分手许多年之后不期而遇时的心情,而多年前的尘封往事已被时间浸得发黄,经过岁月的沉淀,保留在人们记忆中的往往是最美好的片断。2.《为爱说抱歉》歌手:孙楠,歌词摘要:当缘分变成遗憾,当爱变得伤感,你告诉我 你要如何承担,梦 它依然在浮现,又是你哭泣的双眼,怎能视而不见,我最深的爱恋,却逃不过时间,曾为我留下多少蜜语甜言,Will tears seam my eyes I say goodbye。3.《冷酷到底》歌手:羽泉组合,《冷酷到底》.首期推荐即反响不俗,音乐如流,携人声劈头撒下,宛如爱的天罗地网,围困的是我们曾经执迷到斩钉 截铁的感情,却在因成熟而清醒的现实里终于绝望。4.《梦里花》歌手:张韶涵,张韶涵在某次的睡梦中,听到有人不断在她耳边呢喃一段旋律,醒来之后,她赶快用录音笔录下来,再跟音乐制作人陈俊廷说这段梦中旋律。5.《爱在2000》歌手:林依轮,林依轮是舞台上的活跃份子,又做歌手又做主持,忙得不亦乐乎。《爱在2000》保持了林依轮一贯的快歌抒情风格,一听就是林依轮那种特有的鼻音好重的声音。6.《王子的新衣》歌手:萧敬腾,《王子的新衣》是一首有爆发力的美式抒情摇滚歌曲,萧敬腾在副歌部份的声音凌驾在BAND之上,力度、节奏,表现得很好。这也是萧敬腾在他沉默的外表下所掩藏着的另一种叛逆的个性,经历过迅速成名,也经历了沉淀和思考,萧敬腾像所有年轻人一样有着迷茫和困惑,可以看成是萧敬腾的内心独白,“不必敷衍”最终也要勇敢直面自己的心,做自己。
音乐多么美妙的符号,很单纯的声音,但听后让人舒服,音乐五彩缤纷花花绿绿,呈现自然微妙的旋律,宛如孩子的古灵精怪,那2000年代有什么好听的歌呢,和我一起来看一下吧!,下面这些是我为大家推荐的2000年代有什么好听的歌。 2000年代有什么好听的歌1(热门) 1. 与我同在 - 王绎龙 2. 情人港 - 程响 3. 柠檬之恋(电影《青春日记之柠檬之恋》主题曲) - 王一多 4. 城 - 袁楷峰 5. 心花怒放啦 - 魏仕超 6. 一吻天涯 - 程响 7. 被风吹散的人们 - 陈洁仪 8. 心电感应 - 张靓颖 9. 纸包不住火 - 可歆 10. 简单的情歌 - 风花雪月组合 11. 带着情歌去流浪 - 龙梅子 12. 从今天 - 魏一宁&杨洋 - 魏一宁 13. 虚情假意(电影《色影重重》主题曲) - 黄永卓 14. 执迷不悟 - 唐妍 15. pa pa pa - Rella 16. 你说想我 - 彭筝 17. 玛利亚 - 王思远 18. 美人鱼(美人鱼同名主题曲) - 唐古 19. 该走的路 - 杜青 20. 追心曲 - 侯旭 2000年代有什么好听的歌2(推荐) 1. 歌手 - 徐良 2. 路 - 陈艺搏(陈波) 3. 五月的某一天 - 杨朗朗 4. 爱难抗拒(电视剧《致单身男女》插曲) - 周诗雅 5. 防御(电视剧《幸福在一起》主题曲) - 樊凡 6. 雅俗共赏 - 许嵩 7. 不要不要的 - 眯眯 8. 习惯 - 朱允儿 9. 最佳歌手 - 许嵩 10. 低空飞行 - 陈敏 - 群星 11. 我是你的影子 - Xun 12. 舍不得 - 杜雯媞 - 群星 13. Take My Hand(电影《X战警:天启》中国区宣传推广曲) - 谭维维 14. 转身(电视剧《缘来幸福》主题曲) - 樊凡 15. 不容怀疑 - 陈柯宇 - 男舍男分 16. 很久很久 - 蒋蒋 17. 醉了 - 孟航 18. 逆光飞行 - 罗马 19. 小暖 - 丁炜 20. 不想长大 - 萌萌哒天团 2000年代有什么好听的歌3(经典) 1. 表情(剧场版) - 许志安 2. Losing You - 曹轩宾 3. 单打独斗 - 沈震轩 4. 最美的年华 - 弘诺方舟 5. 想念 - 汤绮 6. 罪不可赦 - 陈娟儿 7. Cutie Girl(热播韩剧《玉氏南正基》主题曲) - 金秀妍 8. 错过爱 - 海哲明 9. 静待花开 - 任静 10. 花已开满 - 群可 11. 我知道 - 伊晗 12. 我只是影子 - 苏唯 13. 示弱 - 魏晨 14. 记忆整点 - 伊晗 15. 塞班的阴天 - 带泪的鱼 16. 陌上花开 - 萌萌哒天团 17. 太阳的后裔 - 马健南&Shirley Jiang - 马健南 18. 作废 - 郎军 19. Not fall in love(我们不要相爱) - 李佩彤&宿威加 - 李佩彤 20. 长安乱 - 恕霖 - 喜乐长安
找一首英文歌的歌名 是首比较劲爆的歌 女生唱的 其中一句好像是 don't stop
poker face-lady ga ga.mp3
we are the crowd
we're cuh-coming out
got my flash on it's true
need that picture of you
it's so magical
we'd be so fantastic, oh
leather and jeans
your watch glamorous
not sure what it means
but this photo of us
it don't have a price
ready for those flashing lights
'cause you know that baby i...
i'm your biggest fan
i'll follow you until you love me
baby there's no other superstar
you know that i'll be your...
promise i'll be kind
but i won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous
chase you down until you love me
i'll be your girl backstage at your show
velvet ropes and guitars
yeah cause you know i'm starting between the sets
eyeliner and cigarettes
shadow is burnt, yellow dance and return
my lashes are dry... but the teardrops i cry
it don't have a price
loving you is cherry pie
'cause you know that baby i...
i'm your biggest fan
i'll follow you until you love me
baby there's no other superstar
you know that i'll be your
promise i'll be kind
but i won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous
chase you down until you love me
real good, we're dancing in the studio
stop-stopped, that shit on the radio
don't stop, for anyone
we'll blast it but we'll still have fun
i'm your biggest fan
i'll follow you until you love me
baby there's no other superstar
you know that i'll be your
promise i'll be kind
but i won't stop until that boy is mine
baby you'll be famous
chase you down until you love me
求一首歌,是女生唱的,有节奏感,但是不快,有一句歌词是啥don't relax,,,别的不记得,可
Relax - Das Racist
White devils like it
I'm drinking coffee brought to me
By white devils' sidekicks
They askin' if we like to get higher
Like they hired him
The fire and brimstone is known
To be composed of desire never twice lived
The metal might miss, but the beveled edge
Of the mind can provide tricks
To bring the light to the likes of whites and black kids
As well, it's like magic, I'm not your average
Negro please, I know I'm an idiot
But I got a schtick and I'mma use it a little bit
I'm not too sure if I should clue in the little kids
Or if I'm too clueless to move with the bigger fish
Why it gotta be those too and not some other shit
Take me to the mothership
Hate me I'm Abramovich
I'm Lady Gaga, I'm a fag, I'm a lesbian
See me playin' bass in jam bands up at Wesleyan
See me at a poetry slam in like '97
Singing classic numbers by Otis Redding
Totally shredding
Hoping you get it, yeah
Relax relax relax relax
Relax relax relax relax
Relax relax relax relax
Relax relax relax relax
Yea yea yea yea yea
Yea yea yea yea yea
Yea yea yea yea yea
Yea yea yea yea yea
Relax relax relax relax
Relax relax relax relax
Relax relax relax relax
Relax relax relax relax
Yea yea yea yea yea
Yea yea yea yea yea
Yea yea yea yea yea
No no no no no
No no no no no
No no no no
(Verse 2)
What good is this Cashmere
If they're still dying in Kashmir?
There was homes, now there's just dust there
Next year, same as this year
A rough year
Live in much fear, stay inside after dusk here
Brush tears from eyelids
Peep violence
And these people is dyin'
I'm wildin'
Old Earth said they wanna move back
But they ain't got enough funds to do that
Back in 1980, from Delhi to Queens
She had a pocket full of lint, he had a suitcase full of dreams
From holdin' me to bagging groceries at the Pathmark
To scoldin' me for drinking and driving in fast cars
Juvenile shit
I ain't really tryin' to rap about
I don't remember from b-b-ba b-blackin' out
These days, I'm mostly focused on my bank account
I ain't backin' out until I own a bank to brag about
A local institution, life of the party
With him and at him, brown Chris Farley
Kalapani Kālidāsa, Vijay from Pyaasa
Wilds out at night, can't breathe through his nostrils
Papa need his medicine
Reticent to let them in
Hesitant bedouin
In elegant lettermens
And other fresh shit, to distract you