
时间:2024-08-20 13:56:57编辑:揭秘君


基本信息----【百花缭乱 武士少女(ひゃっかりょうらん サムライ?ガールズ)】是日本ホビージャパン(HobbyJAPAN)出版社创业40周年的跨媒体制作企画。该企画的小说作者为日本的编集者、著作家·铃木ドイツ(すずきあきら)【铃木晓】。同时TV动画也预计在2010年10月开始在独立UHF局以及AT-X电视台播放。但在2010年9月3日在TOKYO MX电视台先行播放了第一话。

如今已经在更新第二季了,第一季叫 百花缭乱 武士少女 第二季叫 百花缭乱 武士新娘是一部卖肉番。个人感觉 作为一部卖肉番是比较成功的,不过人设不是很好,看图你也应该能看出来,不过这部很有名的地方在哪呢,就是它的修正不是圣光或是别的什么,而是 墨汁这一点倒是和这部动漫的风格比较合的。值得一看。。求采纳!!


出自动画女皇之刃·王座的继承者,于2009年4月开始放送,引起众多话题的TV动画《女皇之刃流浪的战士》的续作。经历旅途中无数试炼成长为美斗士的蕾娜,决意参加QUEEN'S BLADE的她到达了女王阿尔德拉等待的女王之都盖伊诺斯。在那里集中着像蕾娜一样要制霸QUEEN'S BLADE的美斗士。蕾娜的姐姐库罗德托在心中发誓复活宛斯家的权利,巴和静夏为了祖国欰元战斗。娜娜艾露被天使长命令参战,沼地魔女的手下们企图击溃QUEEN'S BLADE。集中在女王之都盖伊诺斯的美战士们的目的只有一个,那便是在QUEEN'S BLADE中胜出。QUEEN\S BLADE,那是在神的名义下选出更强更美的女王的斗技会。最终谁能够登上荣光宝座,只有战斗才能揭晓。图中人物为炎之魔手妮柯斯(人物设计:黒木雅弘) (CV:田中理惠)豋场:第七系列武器:有生命的武器魔杖秘宝弗尼克拉身高:165cmB:86w:56H:83职业:魔法师(火属性专精)喜欢的东西:弗尼克拉兴趣:料理讨厌的东西:曾经看不起自己的全部的人类能自由操纵火焰的流浪魔法师正义感强烈 但是因为不能很好控制自己能力及感情 是个危险的人 想要把恶人的住处烧掉结果却把全村变为焦土也不奇怪妮柯斯是一个在巴恩斯伯爵城最下层的劳动者生的女儿 她从小就在一个被周围人看低的的环境下成长 她对世上那些蛮不讲理的恶人非常憎恨 但是对于弱小而又没有任何才能的她来说 却没有反抗的方法有一天 妮柯斯在一次奇遇中得到了一把不思议的杖 这把杖直接改变了她的人生 从那把禁忌魔杖-秘宝弗尼克拉中得到无限魔力的她 决定成为讨伐恶人的猎人 然后为了不再被恶人们侮辱 她给自己做了华丽的衣服 又把说话方式改得十分粗鲁然而秘宝弗尼克拉 是拥有自我意识强行诱惑控制持有自己的宿主的邪恶魔杖 不管妮柯斯魔法释放失败 还是因为释放成功而高兴 甚至是没有什么特别原因的时候 弗尼克拉都会毫不留情地惩罚妮柯斯 妮柯斯毕竟是弱小的小市民 她知道 得到外来力量的自己其实是很弱小的 因此很害怕失去现今拥有的力量 只好一边看弗尼克拉的脸色一边继续战斗 直到成为女王 争一口气给那群恶人看那天为止。请以时间先后顺序采纳。


是《哆啦A梦》。哆啦A梦是日本电视台1973年根据藤子F不二雄的漫画《哆啦A梦》改编制作的第一版同名动画剧。日本电视台版的《哆啦A梦》动画,于 1973年4月1日开始,9月30日止,每周日下午7点播出,该作一共播出了26回共52话(每天播出一回,一回有2话)。叙述了一只来自22世纪的猫型机器人——哆啦A梦,受主人野比世修的托付,回到20世纪,借助从四维口袋里拿出来的各种未来道具,来帮助世修的高祖父——小学生野比大雄化解身边的种种困难问题,以及生活中和身边的小伙伴们发生的轻松幽默搞笑感人的故事。作品背景哆啦A梦的创造要追溯到1969年的某个截稿日,作者藤子·F·不二雄的家里突然闯进了一只小猫,虽然很快就要截稿了,但作者还是和小猫玩了起来,还替小猫挠虱子,而这一挠就是几个小时。等作者发现时间不够用的时候,已经来不及完成稿子。这时作者像热锅上的蚂蚁走来走去,突然踢到了女儿的不倒翁玩具,于是作者灵光一显,把猫的形象和不倒翁结合起来,就创造了哆啦A梦。


这是《棺姬嘉依卡》的芙蕾多妮卡芙蕾多妮卡(フレドリカ)声优:斋藤千和“弃兽”装铠龙,可以变幻自如地使用改变自己形体的魔法,因此是种连自己所受的伤也可以“化为乌有”的生物。虽然她平常少女的姿态,但这只是因为比较方便和托鲁他们对话、在街上走动。所以她才维持着这样子的姿态,而这并非她本来的面貌(装铠龙没有固定的形态),对托鲁他们近似宠物对待主人般的撒娇。[4] 原本是同龙骑士“多米妮卡·斯考达”缔结契约的装铠龙“东之六四五”。芙蕾多妮卡这名字是托鲁另外帮他取的,她自己还是很满意,一直很想和托鲁再战一场。小说第二卷中变成多米妮卡与托鲁等人战斗,被托鲁等人用毒合力击败,对托鲁并没有打算下杀手而感到疑惑,并认定托鲁要由自己亲自杀死。小说第三卷插手了亚伯力克等人与托鲁的战斗,并且因为爬到了四月号上而导致地面崩塌而使得一行人掉入不归谷的谷底。小说第五卷中与托鲁嘉依卡等人潜入航空要塞‘凌空者’,为了不受毒气的影响而开始蜕皮,同时依靠蜕皮的能力成功从阿卡莉的偷袭中生还。小说第六卷中被蕾拉(蓝色嘉依卡)使用毒药击败,在第六卷末尾,搭救了困在‘凌空者’中的阿卡莉等人,并且希望托鲁可以和自己缔结契约。第八卷与托鲁组队参加武斗大会。第九卷与托鲁假装败于“神使”6号与9号之手,在第九卷结尾与托鲁签订契约,使托鲁成为龙骑士。关于“弃兽”装铠龙其实上并非真的是龙,之所以经常以龙的形态展现在世人面前是因为人类所理解的"龙"应该是这个形态,所以才展现成身披铠甲的龙的样子。事实上名为装凯龙的弃兽是没有固定形态,本身亦没有自我意识与感情的魔法生物,不过可以通过模拟其他生物意识来逐渐形成自己的意识,甚至模拟人类来形成知性,因此在弃兽里,装凯龙是唯一可以具备人的知性的一种。不过因为只能通过模仿学习其他生物才能来获得意识,所以单论智力,在所有弃兽之中装凯龙比大海兽和更神秘的第八种要逊色。经常展现在人前的萝莉少女形态,实际上是复制自前主人龙骑士多米妮卡·斯考达已故妹妹露婕·斯考达生前的样子。而御姐形态则是在复制多米妮卡·斯考达。








舞茸β-葡聚糖对HIV(艾滋病)病人的效果Effects of Maitake (Grifola frondosa) gulcan in HIV-infected patients【摘要翻译】 为评估一种从舞茸中提取的β-葡聚糖MD-Fraction(舞茸D-fraction)对艾滋病(HIV)感染病人的效果,进行了长期的实验。参与实验的HIV感染者被跟踪监测CD4+ 细胞计数,病毒载量,艾滋病感染症状,继发病状况,以及健康状态。20位患者的CD4+细胞计数增加到原来的1.4-1.8倍,8位患者降低到原来的0.8-0.5倍。9位病人的病毒载量增加,10位降低。尽管如此,85%的受试者对于HIV引起的症状和继发病的感觉变好,这表明舞茸D-fraction对于艾滋病HIV患者具有积极的影响。关键词: 抗HIV活性,CD4+细胞,舞茸,IL-2,MD-Fraction注:CD4+细胞是人体免疫系统中的一种重要免疫细胞,由于艾滋病病毒攻击对象是CD4+细胞,所以其检测结果对艾滋病治疗效果的判断和对患者免疫功能的判断有重要作用。【论文原文】 Effects of Maitake (Grifola frondosa) gulcan in HIV-infected patients Hiroaki Nanba1)*, Noriko Kodama1), Douglas Schar 2) and Denise Turner 2)1)Department of Microbial Chemistry, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, 4-19-1, Motoyamakita-machi, Higashinada-ku, kobe 658-8558, Japan2)Herbal Clinical Research, 140 Columbia Road, London E2 7RG, U.K.The effects of MD-Fraction, a β-glucan extracted from Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondosa), on the health status of individuals suffering from HIV infection were evaluated in a long-term trial. The HIV status of the 35 respondents who participated in the study was followed by monitoring CD4+ cell counts, viral load measure, sympotoms of HIV infection, status of secondary disease, and sense of well-being. Twenty patients reported to increase in CD4+ cell counts to 1.4-1.8 times, and 8 patients reported a decrease to 0.8-0.5 times. Viral load was reported to increase in 9 patients and decrease in 10 patients. However, 85% of respondents reported an increased sense of well-being with regard to various symptoms and secondary diseases caused by HIV. These results suggest that Maitake D-Fraction had a positive impact in HIV patients.Key Words : anti-HIV activity; CD4+ cell; Grifola frondosa (Maitake); IL-2; MD-FractionAcquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by HIV infection, which attacks helper T cells (CD4+ cells) and decreases the body’s immunity. In 1991, we studied the effect of a Grifola frondosa S.F. Gray (Maitake) extract, named MD-Fraction on HIV, which is believed to be a cause of AIDS. Sulfated MD-Fraction was found to prevent HIV from killing helper T (CD4+) cells: almost 100% of CD4+ cells survived challenge by HIV at concentrations of sulfated MD-Fraction of around 1 pg/ml, and the results were presented in an abstract paper at the 8th International AIDS conference in Amsterdam in July 1992. National Institute of Health and National Cancer Institute in U.S.A. also confirmed the anti-HIV activity of the sulfated form of MD-Fraction. NCI doctors have recognized that the sulfated MD-Fraction is the most effective among all anti-HIV polysaccharides known to date and is as powerful as the drug azidothymidine (AZT). However, the sulfated MD-Fraction has the strong side-effect of toxicity to cells in vivo. On the other hand, we have reported that a β1,6-glucan having a β 1,3-branched chain (named MD-Fraction) can enhance immunocompent cell activities (Hishida et al., 1988; Nanba et al., 1987; Nanba et al., 1993).In this paper, we report that Maitake appears to work on several levels in HIV conditions, by (a) direct inhibition of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), (b) stimulation of the body’s own natural defense system against HIV, and (c) making the body less vulnerable to opportunistic disease.Materials and Methods:Preparation of Maitake tablets Tablets containing 250 mg of dried Maitake powder(φ200 μm) and 5 mg of vitamin C were prepared with a tabloid machine.Preparation of MD-Fraction Dried Maitake powder (500 g) was autclaved with 3,000 ml of distilled water at 120℃ for 60 min, and the water-soluble layer obtained was saturated with the same volume of ethanol at 4℃ for 12 h. After removal of floating material, this ethanol solution was saturated to 80% with ethanol and stored at 4℃ for 10 h. The pellet obtained by centrifugation at 5,000×g for 20 min was suspended in a small volume of distilled water and protein was removed by passage through a DEAE-cellulofine column (4×80cm). Finally 1 g of purified MD-Fraction was prepared.Detection of virions The HIV genome is known to have nine genes, three expressing structural protein and six expressing regulating protein. Anti-HIV-Env antibody was produced in blood from 10 wk to 12 yr after HIV infection. The coagulation test of antigen was performed with HIV-Env antibody collected from blood. Viral loads were counted in 50-μl portions of patients’ serum.Detection of interleukin-2 (IL-2) Production of IL-2 in blood was detected with IL-2 ELISA Kit Intertest-2X (Genzyme Co. U.S.A.)Counting of CD4+ cells and CD8+ cells CD4+ cells were counted by flow cytometric analysis after treatment of 10 μl of blood with CD4+- monoclonal antibody (Cytovax Biotechologies Inc.) The count of CD8+ cells was obtained by subtracting the CD4+ cell count from the total count of T cells determined by flow cytometric analysis.Administration of Maitake A supply of Maitake was given to each HIV carrier at a dose level of 6 g of tablets or 20mg of purified MD-Fraction together with 4 g of tablets per day for 360d.Results:The main focus in monitoring the progress of HIV disease is CD4+ cells (helper T cells). The normal range of CD4+ cell count is 500-1,200 cells/10μl of blood. A level of 200-500 cells indicates that some damage has occured. Below 200 cells, the individual is highly susceptible to secondary diseases. An elevated viral load indicates an increased risk of damage to CD4+ cells. The significance of these activities in regard to HIV infection relates to the immune system. Both IL-2 and interferon are activated by the immune system response to infection by viral disease. After administration of Maitake tablets for 12 mo to 35 respondents (24 in England and 11 in U.S.A.), 20 responders reported an increase in CD4+ cell counts and 8 reported a decrease , as shown in Table 1. Nine respondents reported an increase in viral load, 10 reported a decrease and 2 patients reported static, Typical individual results were as follows.Patient A The initial CD4+ count of 90 cells rose as high as 460 cells (average CD4+ count: 355) in the study period, but viral load was undetected throughout. Previous symptoms were Kaposi’s sarcoma, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and allergic conjunctivitis, all of which resolved and remained controlled during study period. The patient consistently reported feeling very well and energy levels much improved.Patient B The initial CD4+ count of 400 cells rose to 620 cells after the treatment. The viral load of 15,200 copies/ml in CD4+ cells decreased to 5,000 copies/ml. IL-2 production was also increased 3.1 times by Maitake treatment. Previous symptoms were Kaposi’s sarcoma, verrucae, anal warts, anal herpes, diarrhea, chest infections, and fatigue. Following the study period, when the patient received 6 g of Maitake tablets together with 20mg of MD-Fraction per day, Kaposi’s sarcoma became static, verrucae and anal warts were resolved, and other symptoms became intermittent.Patient C The initial CD4+ count of 510 cells showed little change at 500 cells after the study, but the viral load of 60,000 copies/ml in CD4+ cell decreased to 1,000 copies/ml. The patient had day and night sweats, bouts of colds, mucous membrane irritation and fatigue as previous symptoms, but after the course of Maitake all symptoms were resolved. In particular, a direct effect on the sweats was observed.Patient D The initial CD4+ count of 425 rose to 680 counts (average 513.3) during the study. The viral load of 20,000 copies/ml increased to 93,000 copies/ml, but skin, oral, and gastric Candida, catarrh, irritable bowel, and aching muscles as previous symptoms were all improved by Maitake.Patient E The initial CD4+ count of 17 cells decreased to 7 cells during the study, while the viral load of 55,000 copies/ml increased to 62,000 copies/ml. AIDS, oral Candida, and wasting disease as previous symptoms persisted despite the treatment with Maitake. The CD4+ cell counts and HIV viral loads of other patients who received Maitake for 1 yr are shown in Tables 2 and 3. It is known that long infection period of HIV makes seriously symptoms and secondary disease. Therefore, as shown in Tables 4 and 5, we examined that these symptoms and diseases were improved by Maitake treatment. Symptoms depends on HIV infection, such as weight loss, hair loss, night sweat, fever, dry cough and leg pain, were improved by Maitake almost in 50% of patients (as Table 4), also secondary diseases, such as toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, herps, kaposi’s sarcoma and mycopathy, were cured in 40-50% of patients. Table 6 indicates that the percentage of patients reporting changes in symptoms and sense of well-being following treatment.Discussion :The MD-Fraction exhibited an enhancing effect on CD4+ cells, the target cells of HIV, upon oral administration in animals (Hishida et al., 1988). Even though it was a non-controlled trial, this clinical study indicated that MD-Fraction and Maitake powder were effective in patients with breast cancer, lung cancer, or liver cancer. These human tests suggest that the active ingredients of Maitake have significant healing and preventative potential in HIV-responders by stimulating the immune system. The present study indicates that when MD-Fraction and Maitake enhanced the activities of immuno-competent cells such as macrophages, cytotoxic T cells (CD8+) or helper T cell (CD4+), the HIV in CD4+ cells was directly killed or its multiplication was suppressed. However, even if these cellular activities were increased by MD-Fraction, HIV in CD4+ cells of AIDS patients did not decrease. All of the results shown here indicate that there is evidence to support a more structured investigation in to the potential benefits of Maitake and MD-Fraction in the treatment of HIV infection. The results also indicate that this trial study needs to be done on a larger scales, as many questions remain unanswered.Literature cited:Hishida I., Nanba H. And Kuroda H. 1988. Anti-tumor activity exhibited by oral administered extract from fruit body of Grifola frondosa (Maitake). Chem. Pharm. Bull. 36:1819-1827.Nanba H., Hamaguchi A. and Kuroda H. 1987. The chemical structure of an anti-tumorpolysaccharide in fruit bodies of Grifola frondosa (Maitake). Chem. Pharm. Bull. 35: 1162-1168.Nanba H. and George S. R. 1993. Effects of Maitake (Grifola frondosa) for HIV-positive or fibroid tumor patients. 113th Congr. Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, Osaka, Japan, March 29-31, p.212.Nanba H.1993. Anti-tumor activity of orally administered D-Fraction from Maitake mushroom Grifola frondosa. J Naturopath. Med. 4: 10-15.


【 #英语资源# 导语】美丽的金秋悄悄地走了,寒冷的冬天穿着雪白的衣裳,伴着怒吼的寒风,迈着轻盈地脚步悄悄地来了。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.冬天的景色英语作文 篇一   When winter came, he shouted Sangmen to scare away the wild geese playing. He drove out Princess Qiu and ruled the world, where he thought he was singing loudly.   Winter buried the earth, white everywhere. Dull, eh? The Winter Princess came. He wore a white dress and gently brushed the world and shed the curtain. Her long sleeves charmed the east wind and sang for him. Her dance steps were even more charming. Look, the little snakes and frogs are intoxicated.   The north wind howled, and Dong was angry. She shed heavy tears. Princess Dong, comforting her gently, cried bitterly. The maids fanned the plantain fan, which became heavier and heavier   Dong, happy. He is playing with us. He will turn into a snowman soon. Later, she will play hide and seek, and later, she will wear big trees with silver hair, which looks like a palace where fairies live. Princess Winter will join in the fun. She will play snowball while playing snowball. Brother Qingfeng will also laugh and laugh. She will look at the little snow flakes with great interest, and even the children will look at them as if they are playing.   Winter becomes heavy. He was about to leave, and she sobbed softly, as if to say that Miss Spring would please bring joy to the children.   Winter gives people joy. Wheat also leaves winter through snow. Wild geese also come to see him off. Winter roars again. The small trees shake off their silver hair to see him off. Frogs and snakes can't wait to wake up from their sleep when they hear that winter is leaving. Birds sing loudly, leaving a final memory for winter. The rising sun, roosters crowing, dogs also see him off again. Goodbye to winter 2.冬天的景色英语作文 篇二   Miss Qiu left quietly, and Grandpa Dong walked slowly with light steps   The sun in winter is warm and bright, and it is very comfortable to shine on your body. If you look around, you will find that every balcony is covered with colorful clothes and bedding. It's too cold. How people want to put sunshine into their houses!   Clouds in winter are annoying. It is very thick and abundant. It often comes against us to block the precious sunshine and prevent us from entering the house, so we often spend it in the cold.   What I hate most is the winter wind, which is especially strong and blows on my face like a knife. When we go out, we should wear thick clothes and wrap them tightly, for fear of being cut by the wind. When the cold wind blows, it's like an angry lion roaring. I'm most afraid to go out at this time, lest the lion eat me!   Grandpa said that it was very cold in the past winter, and it often snowed. When it snows, the earth is white, the trees seem to be full of flowers, and the fields are covered with white blankets. It's fun for children to roll snowballs, play snowball fights, and make snowmen in the snow! But now the white snow has become a rare visitor, rarely visiting us, which is the result of people's destruction of nature. Alas! I'm really looking forward to the arrival of snowy days! We must love the natural environment we live in and make winter more beautiful!   Winter makes people love and hate! 3.冬天的景色英语作文 篇三   It's so cold. Sister Beifeng is whistling and blowing. People begin to put on their coats. Little Bear runs to hibernate. When winter comes, the originally busy streets become cold and quiet.   I don't like winter because the weather gets colder and colder day by day. Winter makes me want to sleep in a warm quilt, but I like the white snow in winter because it is really beautiful. In winter, black faced spoonbills that originally lived in the north will also fly to the south to spend the winter. I really hope to have a chance to see them. In the winter morning, my mother always wakes me up, because the weather is too cold, I always hide in the quilt to sleep.   When winter comes, the flowers in the park are the most sensitive and their petals fall off one after another. They cringe in the cold wind and the north wind blows. The beautiful sister Butterfly no longer dances. When the cold current comes, I like to stay at home with the heater on, so that the temperature of the stove warms my heart.   Winter is coming. My mother took us to Lushan Mountain to have a hot spring. The streets there are very busy. There are so many people here! The whole person seemed to melt in the warm hot water when he got into the water. How comfortable!   I think it is very cold in winter, but as long as I soak in the hot water, my whole body will be relaxed. However, I still hope that I will not come in winter in the future, so as not to do anything! 4.冬天的景色英语作文 篇四   The harvest season passed by, and the cold winter came early. Without the vigorous vitality in spring, the hot sunshine in summer and the busy scene in autumn, there is only life fighting against the cold.   The cold wind is blowing, and people wrap themselves up tightly. Except for those teachers and students who wrap themselves tightly and hurry to school, the road is almost empty, and some students are afraid of the cold; I have already taken a taxi to school. When I arrived at the school, it was estimated that more than 100 people would come to the playground. Teachers are exercising, and students are reading ancient poetry aloud. I always feel the time is pressing.   Walking by the flower bed of the school, a cold wind blew by, and the small trees with bare leaves swayed around in the cold wind with bare branches, making a sound of "squeaking", as if they were saying, "It's really cold! ", but they did not waver in the face of the cold wind. Another gust of cold wind blew, and people shrunk their necks and wrapped up their clothes. They were all thirsty for the early arrival of spring. At that time, there was no cold, so they could breathe fresh air outdoors, and lay on the grass covered with flowers to bathe in the sun. How comfortable it was!   Looking around, in that inconspicuous corner, there are several small trees standing in the cold wind, and the grass around has withered and yellowed, but you can still find green grass full of vitality in the withered grass. There was a smile on my lips. It turned out that winter was not the end of life, but an excellent time for all life to accumulate strength. 5.冬天的景色英语作文 篇五   The north wind is blowing, the leaves on the trees are all gone, and winter is coming.   Looking forward, the first snow in winter finally floated up, and the goose feather like snow fell one by one. The teacher will take us to the playground to play with snow.   We came to the playground with our teacher, and then we started to play. I walked in the snow, I saw my deskmate Li Yutong building an "iceberg" with several classmates I took a small snowball and threw it at her suddenly. Li Yutong felt the snowball hitting her, so he chased me with it. I ran and ran. I was too afraid that she would hit me with snow, so I ran. But when I looked back, I took another snowball and threw it at her. She immediately chased me, and I ran again. After it was safe, I returned to my original position, but I didn't take the snowball, Instead, I warmed my cold red hands. Then I took a snowball and threw it at her again. This time, she was really angry. She not only chased me, but also gasped. I was chased and chased by her, and suddenly tripped over. There was a lot of snow on my pants. I got up to look at my pants, and then I looked at Li Yutong. I couldn't say a word of anger. I was still thinking: He must be saying that you have today! Li Yutong was finally "destroyed" by me. The two of us were happily having a snow fight. We were having fun when we saw the teacher make an "OK" gesture. It was a gesture to go back to class. Because we had been playing there for a long time, we didn't see the teacher's gesture. At that time, a classmate came to us and said, "Don't stay here, everyone is gone." So we followed the team and returned to the class.   I thought: Although I only played for 20 minutes today and came back, it was also very happy! Besides, it's better than not playing. I'm looking forward to playing snow next time. 6.冬天的景色英语作文 篇六   Autumn has passed, and the winter I have been looking forward to for a long time has come. The white snowflakes float down from the blue sky, like a painter. The snowflakes paint everything white on the earth. It seems that Miss Winter and Snow Princess are competing with each other! Look! They both swore not to give up. Little snowflakes were floating in the air, as if they were dancing for Miss Winter and Snow Princess. Winter is really a season of white and white!   I like the snow in winter. You can play snowball fights, make snowmen, roll snowballs, and more interesting things can roll around in the snow... There are so many games in winter!   On that day, our class organized to go out to play with snow. The teacher told us the requirements, and then the teacher asked us to come to the playground in a neat line. At this time, Li Mengzhuo, I and Liu Dongqi started a "snow war". I took a pile of snow to form a snowball and hit Li Mengzhuo. He also attacked me. We hit and hit. I suddenly found that when I threw the snowball to Li Mengzhuo, the naughty Fengwa appeared unconsciously. The naughty Fengwa always blew strong wind, which made me unable to hit Li Mengzhuo. I suddenly thought of a good way, I told Liu Dongqi, "Liu Dongqi, you have gloves. You hit Li Mengzhuo with a snowball, and then I broke the snow in Li Mengzhuo's hands. Then we'll catch him off guard." Liu Dongqi said, "OK." After that, we acted.   We fought for a while and returned to the class before we could decide the outcome. I looked back at our beautiful scene on the playground as I walked. I loved the beautiful winter. 7.冬天的景色英语作文 篇七   The cold winter has come. After a heavy snow, the whole Dongfanghong has become a world of powder and jade. The willows are covered with silver bars, and the lawn is covered with silver. The cold winter has come. After a heavy snow, the whole Dongfanghong has become a world of powder and jade. The willows are covered with silver bars, and the lawn is covered with silver.   When I get up in the morning, the winter fog is thick. After the fog lifted, a beautiful scene appeared immediately. There is a thick layer of white frost on the needles of the pine tree, like a white chrysanthemum. After a few strokes, the yellow leaves fell one after another.   In the morning after the snow, I saw the white snowflakes, and I really couldn't bear to step on them. When I was walking along the stone road of Beishan Mountain, I heard a creaking sound.   My little face is a little tight and itchy because of the cold. Although it is very cold, the cold is also covered by my happy mood.   Winter is my favorite.   During the day, the snow is flying in the sky and slowly falling. The earth is covered with snow white silver. How beautiful it is!   The mountains are covered with snow, the houses are covered with snow, and the fields are filled with slippery and cold ice. Some people are having snowball fights, skating, and making snowmen. I fell down on a downhill when I was not careful. I slipped down and felt cold and ice, but I was very happy!!   The street was covered with snow. Some people fell down, and the little friends all got up and did an interesting activity together, including race, snowball fight, snowman building, skating competition, etc.... It seemed that we had entered a beautiful fairy tale world.   How beautiful the winter scenery is! It also brings so much joy! 8.冬天的景色英语作文 篇八   Some people like the spring when flowers are blooming, some people like the warm and unrestrained summer, some people like the fruitful autumn, while I like the snowy winter.   Sister Qiu finished her mission and walked away happily. Brother Dong came to the world happily.   Winter is the season of war. People wrap the "little butterflies" that God sent to the world into balls and throw them away happily like children. Then the children fight back again. They are very happy. What are they doing? Oh, they are having a snowball fight.   Winter is the season for making snowmen. The children picked up a small snowball and ran and rolled on the snow. After a while of kungfu, the primary school and autumn became a beautiful snowman, with a straight waist like a chubby baby. The children surrounded it and jumped happily. Jumping.   Winter is the season of skating. It passes through a big puddle. When the water in the puddle sees winter, it looks like a considerate girl. They turn themselves into a crystal clear "mirror" without any regrets. Let Dong urge people to play on their own. A group of people put on roller skates, chased and played on the ice, and their laughter spread to thousands of families. People are also intoxicated with happy laughter.   Winter came to the field and covered Xiaomiao with a thick quilt, so that Xiaomiao's sister could spend a warm winter. Seeing this scene, I not only remembered the proverb, "In winter, wheat is covered with three layers of quilt, and next year, I will sleep on steamed bread." It's really a good year. The next year must be a good harvest year.   When winter came to the street, people put on beautiful down jackets, like colorful little mushrooms, walking around like a cable car suspended by a rope. On both sides of the street, the big dense pines and cypresses are like soldiers guarding everyone. Let people not be hurt at all. 9.冬天的景色英语作文 篇九   There are four seasons, each season has different scenery, and I like the magnificent scenery when it snows in winter best. On Sunday afternoon, I got up on time, opened the curtains and found it was snowing heavily outside. Wow! It's snowing! I cried out and hurriedly sat in front of the window to watch the beautiful snow. Looking at the beautiful snow scene, I thought of a poem describing snow, which I could not help but recite: "A few days of fluffy snow, people are rare and birds are rare. Tall buildings are covered with white clothes, and the earth is piled with silver filings."   With the heavy snow flying, people seem to have come to an elegant and quiet state, and come to a crystal clear fairy tale world. The delicate fragrance of pine trees and the ice fragrance of white snow give people a kind of cool comfort. Everything is filtering, everything is sublimating, and even my heart is purifying, becoming pure and beautiful. The tree has been covered with a white yarn, and the ground looks like a thick white quilt. The earth has become a world of powder and jade. Ah! How beautiful! I am intoxicated in the world of white clothes! After the snow, I can't wait to run out of my house to watch the beautiful snow scene. Stepping on the soft snow, I heard a creaking sound from my feet. I ran to the snow pile. I picked up a handful of clean snow with my hands, licked it with my tongue, tasted the pure snow, and a unique fragrance and cold air poured out on my tongue. At this time, I heard the happy noise of the children in the park across the road. I ran to the park. They were having a snow fight and making snowmen in the yard. It was so lively! In that fierce scene, I really wanted to join in. Suddenly a snowball hit me on the head, and then a child said; "Big brother, come and have a snowball fight with us, OK? I said," OK, no problem. " I thought while playing; How can I forget this year's snow?   I love snow, I love snow scenery, and I love winter more. Winter is the growth ring of the soul. Winter, although very cold, but it has incomparable warmth and hope. 10.冬天的景色英语作文 篇十   Winter is generally cold in the eyes of ordinary people. But in my mind, it is warm. Although it is cold and windy, at this time people always celebrate the New Year as a family, talking and laughing together. Celebrate the New Year with our long departed relatives, and get together with each other, so that the long departed family affection will ripple in our hearts again.   In winter, the image of a silver dream is deeply rooted in people's hearts.   It came to this world, making people surprised and happy. It is a girl who prefers white, likes the snowflakes flying all over the sky, and loves the rare snowman. In this season, it always brings people the richness of winter.   With the encouragement of Miss Dong, Linghan's plum blossom, which bloomed alone, was secretly fragrant. The fragrance was fascinating and unforgettable. That is the gift Miss Dong presented to people. It shows the indomitable and noble character of plum blossom.   Children enjoy playing in the snow, playing snowball fights, rolling snowballs, making snowmen, making ice sculptures   In this season, it brings infinite joy to children. The smiling faces are as beautiful as plum blossoms, which is a reward to Miss Dong.   In winter, with the wind blowing, my heart is still warm. This is the winter in my mind, and it is a warm winter!


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