
时间:2024-08-07 23:11:10编辑:揭秘君


您好,我就为大家解答关于王丹妮演得电视剧,王璐丹主演全部电视剧相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、电影: 《那木... 您好,我就为大家解答关于王丹妮演得电视剧,王璐丹主演全部电视剧相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、电影: 《那木错》 饰演:青青 导演:牛乐 《非常道》 饰演:小新 《车逝》 《七专月》 电视剧: 《暗香》 饰演:伍月 导演:杨文军 (合作演员:黄晓明) 《我的青春谁做主》 饰演:钱小样 导演:赵宝刚 王迎 《蝴蝶飞飞》 饰演:麦乐乐 导演;何洛 (合作演员:佟大为(blog)) 《阳光像花儿一样绽放》 饰演:单鹃 导演:汪俊 (合作演员:童蕾(blog)、周一围(blog)) 《母亲是条河》 饰演:大桃 导演:高伟宁 (合作演员:萨日娜、于娜) 《老爸与西里》 饰演:丁文静 导演:徐耿 (合作演员:李小?、王学兵(blog)) 《奋斗》(blog) 饰演:米莱 导演:赵宝刚 (合作演员:佟大为,马伊俐(blog)) 《烽火孤儿》 饰演:杜先生 中国版《排球女将》饰属演:厉雪 导演:赵浚凯(合作演员:于娜,成泰燊。 2、郭昊伦,刘沙) 话剧作品: 萨特的《墙》《远山野情》《老顽固》《母亲的节日》 音乐作品: 《戴上我的爱》Ft. with 潘玮柏(Wilber Pan)。




截止到2021年7月8日,王李丹妮年龄:31周岁。王李丹妮,8月6日出生于河南省南阳市,中国内地女演员、制片人、自由作家,毕业于上海交通大学。2020年5月22日,王李丹妮与何蓝逗、张致恒、骆应钧等合作出演的奇幻喜剧电影《仙书奇谭之捉妖簿》在优酷视频播出;8月14日,与王心凌、余少群合作出演的宠物喜剧电影《我想静静》上映 ;同年,与荣飞、刘锡明等合作出演的灾难电影《狂鳄海啸》杀青。2021年2月3日,王李丹妮与赵燕国彰、张煜雯合作主演的动作冒险灾难电影《巨鳄危机》在河南信阳杀青,她在片中饰演了高挑漂亮的房产经理孙哲。人物评价:在电影《山里的旧钢琴》中王李丹妮褪下往日靓丽时尚形象,梳起麻花辫,穿起碎花衣,变身土家族姑娘,恬静、清纯让人一见倾心。(网易娱乐评)生活中的王李丹妮则是一个不折不扣的工作狂、学习狂,除了忙碌各种演出外,她还学刺绣、英语,热爱医学、喜欢写作等等,生活中的她处处都散发着时尚清新范儿处处都散发着时尚清新范儿。(腾讯娱乐评)






叶项明是1984年2月22日出生,现年35岁。叶项明,生于辽宁省鞍山市,中国内地男演员, 2008年毕业于北京电影学院表演系本科班。2007年,签约艾回唱片推出个人首张专辑《Yeahh!!》,一举获得Music redio最佳新人奖以及中央人民广播电台TOP排行榜颁奖典礼最佳演绎新人奖。2009年,叶项明在偶像剧《无懈可击之美女如云》中饰演黄凯,凭借该剧的热播人气大增;2010年,搭档刘恺威、秦岚主演了古装剧《大唐女将樊梨花》;2011年,搭档陈国坤、樊少皇主演新版《马永贞》;2012年,携手李沁、鲁敏宇出演了偶像剧《有效期限爱上你》。2013年,主演了都市爱情剧《家和万事兴》和偶像战争剧《东江英雄刘黑仔》。2014年,与娄艺潇、毛林林等联袂出演了时装剧《爱情珠宝》,在都市剧《北漂童话》和《青春拼图》中担纲男主角。在表演上,叶项明凭借对人物恰如其分的刻画受到了众多导演的一致肯定,加之俊朗时尚的外型,被业内称为“潜力黑马”。扩展资料:叶项明从小就热爱艺术。叶项明大学就读于北京电影学院表演系本科班,与张译木等人是同班同学;在校期间,叶项明还多次获得了国家奖学金及三好学生的称号。他在大一刚毕业时,就被海岩定为电视剧《五星饭店》的男主角,与此同时他还被张艺谋列为电影《满城尽带黄金甲》二王子的第一候选人,在经过一番痛苦的抉择之后,叶项明放弃了出演《五星饭店》的机会,但随后由于周杰伦加入《满城尽带黄金甲》剧组,叶项明便失去了出演二王子的机会参考资料:百度百科——叶项明




福里斯特·惠特克1961年生德克萨斯,是位多才多艺的明星。年轻时他凭借体育奖学金进入大学,转到南加州大学后,他开始专注音乐学习,并取得两项奖学金,此后他又对表演产生兴趣,在Berkeley获得另一项奖学金。这个高大长着娃娃脸的黑人演员曾经出演了数量众多的角色,最初他的人生目标其实是想成为一名音乐人。1986年他在影片《野战排》中出演了角色,1987年他又出演了影片《早安越南》和《紧急盯梢令》。1988年克林特·伊斯特伍德给了福里斯特·惠特克一个机会,让他在影片《爵士乐手》中饰演了伟大的爵士乐手查利帕克,他因此赢得了戛纳电影节最佳男演员奖。随后他在1989年又出演了影片《黎明前恶煞横行》,1991年出演了影片A Rage in Harlem,1992年出演了影片《杏林战场》和《哭泣游戏》。1993年他下决心出演了反映城市暴力的电视电影《捆》。1996年他出演了影片《不一样的本能》,1999年他出演了贾木许导演的影片《鬼狗杀手》,2000年出演了影片《地球战场》,2001年出演了影片《青龙》。2002年他出演了影片《狙击电话亭》与《颤栗空间》,这两部都是相当精彩的惊悚片。2005年出演了影片《玛丽》。2006年在《末代独裁》中,惠特克几近完美的表演为他赢得喝彩一片,征服了美国各大颁奖典礼的评委,并成功登上2007年奥斯卡影帝的宝座,成为奥斯卡历史上第四位黑人影帝。


  Biography for
  David Fincher
  advertisement Date of Birth
  28 August 1962, Denver, Colorado, USA

  Birth Name
  David Leo Fincher


  Mini Biography
  David Fincher was born in 1962 in Denver, Colorado, and was raised in Marin County, California. When he was 18 years old, he went to work for John Korty at Korty Films in Mill Valley. He subsequently worked at ILM (Industrial Light and Magic) from 1981 - 1983. Fincher left ILM to direct TV commercials and music videos after signing with N. Lee Lacy in Hollywood. He went on to found Propaganda in 1987 with fellow directors Dominic Sena, Greg Gold and Nigel Dick. Fincher has directed TV commercials for clients that include: Nike, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, Heinekin, Pepsi, Levi's, Converse, AT & T, and Chanel. He has directed music videos for: Madonna, Sting, The Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, Aerosmith, George Michael, Iggy Pop, The Wallflowers, Billy Idol, Stevie Winwood, The Motels and, most recently, A Perfect Circle.

  As a film director, he has achieved huge success with Se7en (1995), Fight Club (1999) and, most recently, Panic Room (2002).

  IMDb Mini Biography By: Anonymous

  Donya Fiorentino (? - ?) (divorced) 1 child

  Trade Mark
  [single frame insert] His movies often features several single frames that flash on the screen in the middle of a scene, which is also demonstrated by the main characters of his film Fight Club (1999)

  Fluid tracking camera which can access anywhere; a digital age innovation in camera movement pioneered by David Fincher and Kevin Haug along with BUF Paris (perhaps inspired by earlier developments of Max Ophuls and Stanley Kubrick).

  Silhouettes. Fincher frequently has characters in the shadows where you cannot make out their face, notably Kevin Spacey in Se7en (1995) and Brad Pitt in Fight Club (1999).

  His films often end in a suicide, either attempted or successful.

  His films often have low-key lighting, and also green or blue tinted color temperature.

  Wide shots.

  Lived for several years in Ashland, Oregon and graduated from Ashland High School.

  His video for Madonna's "Express Yourself" voted #1 in Slant Magazines Top 100 Videos. 2 of his other Madonna videos also made the list. "Vogue" at #4 & "Oh, Father" at #11. (19th January 2003)

  Has been close friends with Brad Pitt ever since working together on Se7en (1995).

  Was originally set to direct The Black Dahlia (2006), but dropped out.

  Was originally set to direct Madonna: Truth or Dare (1991), but dropped out.

  Was originally set to direct Mission: Impossible III (2006), but dropped out.

  Was originally considered to direct Spider-Man (2002).

  Was originally considered to direct Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002).

  Turned down the offer to direct Catch Me If You Can (2002), opting to do Panic Room (2002) instead.

  Turned down the offer to direct Batman Begins (2005).

  Was originally set to direct _Black Dahlia, The (2005)_ , but dropped out.

  Turned down the offer to direct 8MM (1999), opting to do Fight Club (1999) instead.

  A founder member of Propaganda Films in 1986.

  Daughter, Phelix Imogen Fincher (b. 25 April 1994), with Donya Fiorentino.

  While growing up in Marin County, one of his neighbors was George Lucas.

  He works frequently with screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker.

  It was the 1969 feature film, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) that inspired him to pursue a career in cinema.

  In 2005, he directed the video for Nine Inch Nails' "Only". Ten years earlier, he used Coil's version of the Nine Inch Nails' song "Closer" during the opening credits montage of his film Se7en.

  Met his partner, Ceán Chaffin, in the early '90s when she produced a Japanese Coca-Cola ad he was directing.

  Personal Quotes
  "I don't know how much movies should entertain. To me, I'm always interested in movies that scar. The thing I love about Jaws (1975) is the fact that I've never gone swimming in the ocean again."

  "I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but somebody has to."

  "I have demons you can't even imagine."

  "Directing ain't about drawing a neat little picture and showing it to the cameraman. I didn't want to go to film school. I didn't know what the point was. The fact is, you don't know what directing is until the sun is setting and you've got to get five shots and you're only going to get two."

  "People will say, 'There are a million ways to shoot a scene,' but I don't think so. I think there're two, maybe. And the other one is wrong."

  "As a director, film is about how you dole out the information so that the audience stays with you when they're supposed to stay with you, behind you when they're supposed to stay behind you, and ahead of you when they're supposed to stay ahead of you."

  "Belligerence certainly helps. And there's a requisite paranoia. There's fear--fear of failure--and an overwhelming urge to be liked." - [about the personality traits that helps in being a director]

  I went to a place called the Berkley Film Institute for a summer program with a grade school friend of mine, and we just thought it was a joke. It was very impressionist, very Berkley. There were all these people who were there to communicate and change the world, to do all these lofty things -- and then they made these really shitty, stupid little movies. And we were kind of like, "I'm not here for this, I'm just here to pull cable." We were the youngest people there and we ended up being the grips and electrics on everybody else's movies, and it was pretty good those six or seven weeks, we got to shoot Panaflex cameras and make a married print - it was in black and white and you made these little cheese-ball movies, but at least you were making "something." It was kind of like film school in that way, but those who can't do, teach, and those who couldn't teach, taught there. They tried, they just didn't want to get dirty with it, they didn't want to get in up to their necks. It was all very patrician."

  I'm totally anti-commercialism. I would never do commercials where people hold the product by their head and tell you how great it is, I just wouldn't do that stuff. It's all inference ... The Levis commercials I did weren't really about jeans, the Nike commercials weren't about shoes. The 'Instant Karma' spot was some of the better stuff I got offered, and it was never about people going, "Buy this shoe, this shoe will change everything," because I think that's nonsense. Anybody looking outside themselves to make themselves whole is delusional and probably sick.

  "I do agree you can't just make movies three hours long for no apparent reason. For a romantic comedy to be three hours long, that's longer than most marriages."

  Where Are They Now
  (September 2005) Currently filming _Zodiac (2006)_ in San Francisco.

  In Production
  The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) (filming)

  Zodiac (2007)
  Video Hits: Paula Abdul (2005) (V) (videos "Straight Up", "Forever Your Girl" and "Cold Hearted")
  Panic Room (2002)

  Madonna: The Video Collection 93:99 (1999) (V) (video "Bad Girl")
  Fight Club (1999)
  ... aka Fight Club (Germany)
  Ladies & Gentlemen: The Best of George Michael (1999) (V) (video "Freedom '90")
  The Game (1997)
  Se7en (1995)
  The Best of Sting: Fields of Gold 1984-1994 (1994) (V) (video "Englishman In New York")
  Aerosmith: Big Ones You Can Look at (1994) (V)
  Dangerous: The Short Films (1993) (V) (video "Who Is It")
  ... aka Michael Jackson - Dangerous: The Short Films (USA)
  Alien³ (1992)
  Madonna: The Immaculate Collection (1990) (V) (videos "Express Yourself", "Oh Father" and "Vogue")

  The Beat of the Live Drum (1985)

  Love and Other Disasters (2006) (executive producer)
  ... aka Love (et ses petits désastres) (France)
  Lords of Dogtown (2005) (executive producer)
  ... aka American Knights (Philippines: English title)
  ... aka Dogtown Boys (Germany)
  Ticker (2002) (executive producer)
  ... aka The Hire: Ticker (USA: series title)
  Powder Keg (2001) (executive producer)
  ... aka The Hire: Powder Keg (USA: series title)
  Star (2001/I) (executive producer)
  ... aka The Hire: Star (USA: series title)
  The Car Thief and the Hit Man (2001) (executive producer) (uncredited)
  The Follow (2001) (executive producer)
  ... aka The Hire: The Follow (USA: series title)
  Chosen (2001) (executive producer)
  ... aka The Hire: Chosen (USA: series title)
  Ambush (2001) (executive producer)
  ... aka The Hire: Ambush (USA: series title)

  Visual Effects:
  Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) (matte photography)
  Unendliche Geschichte, Die (1984) (matte photography assistant: ILM)
  ... aka The NeverEnding Story (UK) (USA)
  Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) (assistant cameraman: miniature and optical effects unit)
  ... aka Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi (USA: video box title)

  Full Frontal (2002) .... Film Director

  Being John Malkovich (1999) (uncredited) .... Christopher Bing

  Special Effects:
  Twice Upon a Time (1983) (special photographic effects)

  Thumbsucker (2005) (special thanks)
  The Aristocrats (2005) (special thanks)
  ... aka The @r!$t*(r@t$ (USA: promotional title)
  Keeping the Faith (2000) (special thanks)

  "Dirt" .... Himself (1 episode, 2007)
  - Pilot (2007) TV Episode .... Himself
  "Henry's Film Corner" .... Himself (1 episode, 2004)
  - Episode #1.1 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself
  Shooting 'Panic Room' (2004) (V) .... Himself
  Murder by Numbers (2004) .... Himself
  The Making of 'Panic Room' (2002) (TV) .... Himself
  Alien Evolution (2001) (TV) .... Himself
  On Location: Fight Club (2000) (V) .... Himself

  The Making of 'Alien 3' (1992) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself

  Archive Footage:
  The Making of 'Alien³' (2003) (V) .... Himself

