
时间:2024-05-14 12:08:56编辑:揭秘君

个人资料 英语怎么说




name 姓名 in. 英寸
pen name 笔名 ft. 英尺
alias 别名 street 街
Mr. 先生 road 路
Miss 小姐 district 区
Ms 小姐或太太 house number 门牌
Mrs. 太太 lane 胡同,巷
age 年龄 height 身高
bloodtype 血型 weight 体重
address 地址 born 生于
permanent address 永久住址 birthday 生日
province 省 birthdate 出生日期
city 市 birthplace 出生地点
county 县 home phone 住宅电话
prefecture 专区 office phone 办公电话
autonomous region 自治区 business phone 办公电话
nationality 民族;国籍 current address 目前住址
citizenship 国籍 date of birth 出生日期
native place 籍贯 postal code 邮政编码
duel citizenship 双重国籍 marital status 婚姻状况
family status 家庭状况 married 已婚
single 未婚 divorced 离异
separated 分居 number of children 子女人数
health condition 健康状况 health 健康状况
excellent (身体)极佳 short-sighted 近视
far-sighted 远视 ID card 身份证
date of availability 可到职时间 membership 会员、资格
president 会长 vice-president 副会长
director 理事 standing director 常务理事
society 学会 association 协会
secretary-general 秘书长 research society 研究会


1.名称。  有四种写法:Personal, Personal Information, Other Information, Additional Information。无论是教育背景、工作经历,还是个人资料,既可以首字母大写,也可以全部字母大写,还可以全部字母小写。哈佛商学院的标准格式却是全部字母小写,这在主流商业社会中已沿用多年。另外,名称可以写在最左侧,也可居中。  2.语言。  有几个层次。Native speaker of指母语;从严谨的角度讲,Fluent in显得更流利;English as working language显得不非常流利,但可靠性更强;Some knowledge of会一些,没有把握的千万别写。在面试中,语言是最轻松的,一旦被考倒,他会认为你在撒谎,甚至认为通篇简历都有很多撒谎的地方。  3.电脑。  中国人最爱用熟悉(familiar),无论中文还是英文简历。熟悉是一个很弱的字眼,说明你不熟练,不常用。如果几个软件,有的熟练,有的熟悉,建议只写软件名。完全没把握的,一点儿不熟悉的,千万不要写。不要以为没有电脑,就不会考你,他也会考你一两个关键用法。如果真的用的很多,不妨用Frequent user of。  4.资格证书。  最需要注意的是,有些人将注册会计师笼统地翻译成CPA,但全世界各国都有自己的CPA,有些是互不承认的,所以一定要写上国别,写明考取年份。  有一些业余爱好,能显示出一定素养的内容,也可以写上,如钢琴考级。  5.爱好与特长。  1)写强项。弱的一定不要写,面试人员不定对哪个项目感兴趣,有时会跟你聊两句,尤其是接连几个、十几个面试之后,有些招聘人员爱聊一些轻松的话题,一旦是你的弱项,绝大部分人会很尴尬的,显出窘态,丧失自信,这对你是很不利的。更重要的是,他会觉得你在撒谎。  2)要写也只写两到三项。因为极少有人在很多方面都很强。如果您觉得自己玩得都可以的话,您的标准可能稍低了点儿。当然,确实有的人七八样都玩得挺好的,但一般人不相信每个人的强项有特别多,所以您也没必要写那么多,以免给人轻浮的感觉。  4)举几个用词。

个人简历 英文有几种说法?

个人简历 英文有几种说法? 个人简历在美国英语中写作résumé,在英国英语里写作curriculum vitae。 母音字母é(即e上带尖音符)在单字里发合口双母音/e/的音,这个音由两个音组成,第一个音是前母音/ɛ/,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,向第二个相当于/ɪ/的音滑动,不到第二个音即告发音结束。牙床由半开半合之间向半合接近,口形由大到小,音量由强到弱,两个音合在一起成一个合口双母音。如: café 咖啡馆 sauté 炒 résumé 个人简历 René 勒内。 "历年的",英文有几种说法 历年销售概况:the sales over the years 历年的:over the years 他说他的工会——运输工会504分会——历年来在合约上做了“极大的让步”以协助泛美〔航空公司〕纾解财务困难。“结果全然没用,”他哀伤地说。 He said his union, Local504 of the Transport Workers Union, made"massive contract givebacks" over the years to help Pan Am with its financial troubles."It was all to no avail, " he lamented. 概况: (n) general situation; summary Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 关于这一专题,我打算只讲一个概况;我不想详谈细节。 I propose to give only a general survey of the subject; I shall not go into details. 2. 概况介绍不会太长的,他接下去就要谈具体问题了。 The briefing won't take very long, and then will descend to particulars. 销售: 1. market 2. sell 3. sales 4. to sell Relative explainations: Examples: 1. 销售现已开始停滞不前。 Sales have now reached a plateau. 2. 这些广告攻势对销售额并没有起到多大作用。 The advertising campaign didn't have much effect on sales. 3. 销售额的增长使我们的经理很高兴。 An upturn in the sales figures delighted our manager. 4. 基于我们销售情况的预测,我们明年将开始赚钱。 On the basis of our sales forecasts, we may begin to make a profit next year. 5. 我们的销售部主任没有文化。 Our sales director is unlearned. 6. 对销售额的仔细分析显示出明显的地区差别。 Close *** ysis of sales figures showed clear regional variations. 7. 超级市场销售各种货物。 The supermarket sells goods of all descriptions. 8. 这家商店也销售廉价珠宝。 The shop sells baubles as well. 恢复 英文有几种说法? recover restore resume 恢复健康:recover one's health recuperate 恢复名誉:rehabilitate one's reputation 恢复外交关系:resume displomatic relations (with) 恢复正常:return to normal 恢复知觉:recover(或regain) consciousness e to (oneself) recovery recover renew regain resume restore 究竟 英文有几种说法? what actually happened 副词 actually after all in the end exactly 由于 英文有几种说法 补充: as a reason of 你好英文有几种说法? 这是“茴字有几种写法”的问题了 hi hello how are you how do you do 甚至Joey的How are you doing也算是啊 How's everything going? Howdy! What's up? 这些都是常用的口语“你好”的表达方式 如果你还停留在"Hello?""How are you?""How do you do?"的层次上,那你可能要听不懂美国人说话了。


个人英文简历基本资料写法   关于英文简历里的个人基本资料写法你是否了解?求职者应该怎么填写英文简历资料才是合理的?下面是我搜集整理的个人英文简历基本资料写法,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!   关于英文简历基本资料里的名称写法,每个名称的首字母可以大写也可以小写,你不用刻意将首字母改为大写形式的,但是你要注意如果某个栏目的首字母采用的是大写形式那么所有栏目的首字母都必须大写或者小写,意思要保持统一否则看起来不是挺怪异的.吗?还有一个问题就是某些学校的名称还就是小写字母组成的,这就是该校的习惯性写法所以你最好查阅下外国学校的标准写法。 关于英文简历的标题我们可以写:Personal也可以写Personal Inforrmation等但是不要自己乱编名称。   语言栏目的写法应该是fluent in,而不能写成native speaker of也就是母语的意思,否则会让人产生误解的而到时面试时觉得你撒谎了。再就是选择简短的写法更好,如果一个栏目里的文字过长那对简历明显是不利的。   如果描述电脑技能则应该使用frequent user of而不要使用通常的词汇familiar,因为这个词语实际上在英文简历里算是比较弱的字眼,也就是说你只是很少使用某项电脑技术也就不熟练了,而并不是熟练的意思。此外你可不要把不熟悉的电脑技能写进去因为外国人对电脑的精通程度远远胜过我们的,你别以为招聘者就没办法考察你在某个计算机技能方面的真实水平。   个人英文简历范文   Nationality: Chinese Name: jiaokedu.com   The current location: Guangzhou National: Han   Residence: Guangzhou was: 168 cm 50 kg   Marital status: single age: 26   Job search intention and work experience   The type of talent: ordinary job   Position: accounting \ / Accounting: Accounting Clerk Finance Clerk, cashier Specialist / assistant foreign trade clerk & Secretary, file manager, a computer operator   Work experience: 3 Title: no title   Job type: full-time available - at any time   Salary requirements: 1000--1500 hope that the working area: Guangzhou   Personal experience: in 2004 07 months to now in core technology company clerk   Education background   University one is graduated from Guangzhou Engineering Technology: Career Academy   Education: college graduated -2007-01-01   Education training experience: 2003 04 Zhongshan University computer National Computer Rank Examination Certificate   In 2005 03 Guangdong University of Technology English the National English test scores qualified certificate   In 2007 09 months holding accounting certificate   Language ability   Foreign language: good English.   Mandarin Level: excellent Cantonese level: excellent   Self assessment   I am good at English, had participated in the CET - 4 level of test, and won the National Public English certificate. I can skillfully play five words, to master office2000 office software, computer skills, working with, but also learned accounting knowledge, technical secondary school graduate school at Guangzhou University, majored in business english. I would like to play to their strength and ability to your company, I have accounting certificate. Please your company to give me a chance ;


如今,求职竞争越来越激烈,许多用人单位不仅要求应聘者提交中文简历,还要求相应的英文简历。因此,求职者应该准备一份完善的英文简历。个人简历英文怎么说?个人简历的英文说法是resume,又叫CV——curriculum vitae。一份完整的英文简历(Resume)应该包括个人资料、教育背景、工作经历和附加信息(Personal Information, Education,Work Experience,Additional Information)。写简历时,语言应简明,内容要全面。




(1)名字:一般名在前姓在后。如:王小明的姓名英文写法是Xiaoming Wang。










个人简历英文翻译为resume。例句:1、带上至少50份个人简历。Bring at least 50resumes.2、保持一份光鲜的个人简历及作品履历。Keep a Polished Resume &Portfolio.3、更新个人简历。Update your resume.4、随信附寄个人简历一份。Enclosed please find a brief resume.5、撰写简历个人简历是一项艰巨的任务。Writing ga résumé can be a daunting task.6、制作备用的附件,像你的个人简历,证书,推荐信等等。Take extra copies of your resume, certificates, references (just in case) etc.7、你可以用来装多张个人简历还有你的推荐信名单。You can store extra copies of your resume and your list of references.


  英语个人简介在现代社会中已经变得尤为重要,那么你知道英文个人简历应该怎么写吗?下面由我为你提供的个人简介的英文版,希望能帮到你。   个人简介的英文版(一)   RESUME   Personal Information:   Name: Hu xiao-lu Sex: Male   Date of Birth: Dec. 28th, 1989 Native Place: Meishan Sichuan, P.R.China   Health: Good   P.R.China 617000   Tel: +8615583559277 (MP) ,   E-mail: 244296094@qq.com Marital Status: Unmarried Address: College of Biology and Chemical Engineering, Panzhihua University, Panzhihua.   Objective:   Exploitation on teaching, management or research in university or academy;   Education: 2008.9――2012.6 Sichuan University Bachelor in Biology chemical engineering   Practice Experiences:   1997.7――2002.9 Panzhihua University Teacher as instructor in chemical engineering   department, engaging in courses teaching, experimental teaching and thesis instructing, etc.   2002.9――2006.10 Participate in many projects and designs, have four-year experiences   Summary of Abilities:   Be familiar with basic knowledge and principle of metallurgical engineering and chemical   engineering, and be skillful in using Microsoft Office, Origin, Jade, XRD, GC, particle size   analyzer software and instruments, etc.   Be accomplished in science research and design.   Passed CET-4 and CET-6, fluent in English (reading/writing/listening/speaking), especially in   special English on chemical engineering and process.   Self-valuation:   Sureness, honest, able-minded, laborious, could cooperate with others well, have strong ability of   practice.   Project List:   Synthesis Mechanism and Properties of TiO2 with Ordered Mesoporous Structure through Titanium   Sulfate Hydrolysis Process Induced by Supermolecular Template (Chinese Natural National   Foundation, 50474071)   Preparation of nanometer titania via crystal aberration in high density ultrasonic field and thermal   decomposition (Chinese Natural National Foundation, 50274056)   Preparation of lithium ion rechargeable battery using cobalt instead of manganese (Sichuan   province basic application foundation, 02GY029-031)   Preparation of No. II preservative agent of Mango (Panzhihua importance science & technology   tackle key problem foundation, 20011-21 )   Basic academic study of SO42-,Cl- on deposition and crystallization of nickel   carbonate (Jinchuan aggregative Co. Ltd. (Sichuan University, 04H433) )   Preparation of sub-micronmeter high purity orbicular nickel powder (Jinchuan aggregative Co.   个人简介的英文版(二)   Name:   years age: 21   At present in zhongshan years age: 31   Registered permanent residence is in: maoming countries record: China   Marital status: single people race: han   Talent type: students   Applied position: the settlement member:, project supervision:, the builder:   Term: 1 post says:   Job types: internships available date: a month   Monthly salary requirements: 1500-2000 hope work areas: guangzhou, shenzhen, dongguan   Work experience   Guangzhou Pepsi beverage company start-stop years: 2011- 2010-03   The company properties: a wholly foreign owned by sector: fast moving consumer goods (food, drink, the cosmetics)   Education background   Graduate school: guangdong construction of vocational technical college   The highest degree: college degree: graduation date: 2012-   A special industry: engineering supervision designed industry 2:   Starting years years (institution) terminated school field obtain the certificate certificate Numbers   Language ability   Foreign languages: English general cantonese level: good   Other foreign language ability:   Mandarin level: generally   Ability to work and other specialty   Emphasize teamwork spirit! The team cooperation consciousness strongly!   Warm and cheerful, honest steady, strong self-confidence, and have a strong collective sense of honor and responsibility   Positive and optimistic view the world, face the life of setbacks and suffering   Hobbies network technology, sports, chess, like making friends   个人简介的英文版(三)   Good afternoon .I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you .First of all ,my english name is ...and my chinese name is ..If you are going to have a job interview ,you must say much things which can show your willness to this job ,such as ,it is my long cherished dream to be ...and I am eager to get an oppertunity to do...and then give some examples which can give evidence to .then you can say something about your hobbies .and it is best that the hobbies have something do with the job.   What is more important is do not forget to communicate with the interviewee,keeping a smile and keeping your talks interesting and funny can contribute to the success. I hope you will give them a wonderfull speech .Good luck to you !


1、英文简介Li Bai, born in 701 A.D., is a famous Romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty. He is also known as "Li Du" as well as "Li Du" as Du Fu.In order to distinguish them from the other two poets, Li Shangyin and Du Mu, namely "Xiao Li Du", Du Fu and Li Bai are also called "Da Li Du".According to the New Tang Book, Li Bai was the ninth grandson of the Xingsheng Emperor and was the same ancestor as the kings of Li and Tang Dynasty. His people are cheerful and generous, like drinking and writing poetry, like making friends.Li Bai was deeply influenced by Huang Lao Lizhuang's thought. He had "Li Taibai Collection" handed down. Most of his poems were written when he was drunk. His representative works included "Wanglu Mountain Waterfall", "Road Difficulty", "Shudao Difficulty", "Entering Wine", "Liang Fu Yin" and "Early Falling White Emperor City".2、翻译李白,公元701年出生 ,字太白,号青莲居士,又号“谪仙人”,是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人,被后人誉为“诗仙”,与杜甫并称为“李杜”。为了与另两位诗人李商隐与杜牧即“小李杜”区别,杜甫与李白又合称“大李杜”。据《新唐书》记载,李白为兴圣皇帝九世孙,与李唐诸王同宗。其人爽朗大方,爱饮酒作诗,喜交友。李白深受黄老列庄思想影响,有《李太白集》传世,诗作中多以醉时写的,代表作有《望庐山瀑布》《行路难》《蜀道难》《将进酒》《梁甫吟》《早发白帝城》等多首。扩展资料:李白的生平:李白出生于盛唐时期,他的一生,绝大部分都在漫游中度过,游历了大半个中国。 二十岁时只身出蜀,开始了广泛漫游,南到洞庭湘江,东至吴、越,寓居在安陆(今湖北省安陆市)、应山(今湖北省广水市)。 他到处游历,希望结交朋友,拜谒社会名流,从而得到引荐,一举登上高位,去实现政治理想和抱负。可是,十年漫游,却一事无成。他又继续北上太原、长安(今陕西省西安市),东到齐、鲁各地,并寓居山东任城(今山东省济宁市)。这时他已结交了不少名流,创作了大量优秀诗篇。李白不愿应试做官,希望依靠自身才华,通过他人举荐走向仕途,但一直未得人赏识。他曾给当朝名士韩荆州写过一篇《与韩荆州书》,以此自荐,但未得回复。 直到天宝元年(742年),因道士吴筠的推荐,李白被召至长安,供奉翰林,文章风采,名震天下 。李白初因才气为玄宗所赏识,后因不能见容于权贵,在京仅三年,就弃官而去,仍然继续他那飘荡四方的流浪生活。 安史之乱发生的第二年(756年),他感愤时艰,曾参加了永王李璘的幕府。不幸,永王与肃宗发生了争夺帝位的斗争,兵败之后,李白受牵累,流放夜郎(今贵州境内),途中遇赦写下《早发白帝城》。晚年漂泊东南一带,依族叔当涂县令李阳冰,不久即病逝。参考资料来源:百度百科——李白


1、英文简介Li Bai, born in 701 A.D., is a famous Romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty. He is also known as "Li Du" as well as "Li Du" as Du Fu.In order to distinguish them from the other two poets, Li Shangyin and Du Mu, namely "Xiao Li Du", Du Fu and Li Bai are also called "Da Li Du".According to the New Tang Book, Li Bai was the ninth grandson of the Xingsheng Emperor and was the same ancestor as the kings of Li and Tang Dynasty. His people are cheerful and generous, like drinking and writing poetry, like making friends.Li Bai was deeply influenced by Huang Lao Lizhuang's thought. He had "Li Taibai Collection" handed down. Most of his poems were written when he was drunk. His representative works included "Wanglu Mountain Waterfall", "Road Difficulty", "Shudao Difficulty", "Entering Wine", "Liang Fu Yin" and "Early Falling White Emperor City".2、翻译李白,公元701年出生 ,字太白,号青莲居士,又号“谪仙人”,是唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人,被后人誉为“诗仙”,与杜甫并称为“李杜”。为了与另两位诗人李商隐与杜牧即“小李杜”区别,杜甫与李白又合称“大李杜”。据《新唐书》记载,李白为兴圣皇帝九世孙,与李唐诸王同宗。其人爽朗大方,爱饮酒作诗,喜交友。李白深受黄老列庄思想影响,有《李太白集》传世,诗作中多以醉时写的,代表作有《望庐山瀑布》《行路难》《蜀道难》《将进酒》《梁甫吟》《早发白帝城》等多首。扩展资料:李白的生平:李白出生于盛唐时期,他的一生,绝大部分都在漫游中度过,游历了大半个中国。 二十岁时只身出蜀,开始了广泛漫游,南到洞庭湘江,东至吴、越,寓居在安陆(今湖北省安陆市)、应山(今湖北省广水市)。 他到处游历,希望结交朋友,拜谒社会名流,从而得到引荐,一举登上高位,去实现政治理想和抱负。可是,十年漫游,却一事无成。他又继续北上太原、长安(今陕西省西安市),东到齐、鲁各地,并寓居山东任城(今山东省济宁市)。这时他已结交了不少名流,创作了大量优秀诗篇。李白不愿应试做官,希望依靠自身才华,通过他人举荐走向仕途,但一直未得人赏识。他曾给当朝名士韩荆州写过一篇《与韩荆州书》,以此自荐,但未得回复。 直到天宝元年(742年),因道士吴筠的推荐,李白被召至长安,供奉翰林,文章风采,名震天下 。李白初因才气为玄宗所赏识,后因不能见容于权贵,在京仅三年,就弃官而去,仍然继续他那飘荡四方的流浪生活。 安史之乱发生的第二年(756年),他感愤时艰,曾参加了永王李璘的幕府。不幸,永王与肃宗发生了争夺帝位的斗争,兵败之后,李白受牵累,流放夜郎(今贵州境内),途中遇赦写下《早发白帝城》。晚年漂泊东南一带,依族叔当涂县令李阳冰,不久即病逝。参考资料来源:百度百科——李白


   简历 是求职者敲开企业大门的拍门砖,企业对求职者的第一印象来自简历,求职者八仙过海各显神通,花尽心思设计具有个性化的简历,以便吸引企业的注意力。以下是我整理的用英文写的个人简历,以供大家参考。
  Name fresh graduate employment nets

  Sex don't female

  Date of birth in August 1975

  Body high 160 cm

  Up cadastral guiyang city

  Residence guiyang city

  The han people family

  Political affiliation members

  Job types

  Their school guizhou economic management cadre institute

  Designed industry accounting


  Mobile phone:


  Work experience

  October 2009

  Guiyang beauty of magical hotel the housekeeping department

  Executive housekeeper

  Skill level

  1, be responsible for the management of the housekeeping department operation. Ensure to provide the high quality service to the guests.

  2, supervision inspection range of each position working situation, effective control and improve the service to the guest.

  3, responsible for reports and forecasts the room rent, booking situation, do this department's statistics, gather the whole work.

  Training experience

  Start-stop years professional degree in school

  The 2007-09 and 2010-07 guizhou economic management cadre institute accounting college

  Self assessment

  Has the rich team organizing and expanded the experience. The annual plan, budget control, resources to plan as a whole, the quality supervise, has the certain result. (served as a four-star hotel the housekeeping department manager in three years.). Executive ability and the coordinated ability strong, work work and work in peace and contentment. Strong responsibility. Dare to bear. Have a rich hotel management experience.
  Personal information

  Name fresh graduate employment nets

  Gender: female

  Date of birth: in November 1984

  Height: 160 cm

  Native: guangzhou

  Residence: guangzhou

  Ethnic composition: han

  Political outlook: political independents

  Job type:

  Graduate school: guangzhou second business school

  Professional: economics

  Education experience

  September 2000 to July 2003 in guangzhou at the second commercial secondary specialized schools

  Practice experience

  In January 2009 as a shop assistant in burberry so far

  Skill level

  For many years I have accumulated a lot of experience in sales, and is able to communicate with customers

  Self assessment

  I love working, progresses, strong ability to work, and others can get along with each other, and have good obedience and team work spirit. Once in more than one service properties in the company, have related working experience and well received. Believe that can adapt to your company's work, hope you can give I exhibit of opportunity.

  miss nationality: China

  At present location: the tianhe district national: zhuang

  Seat of registered permanent residence: guangxi figure: 155 cm 44 kg

  Marital status: married age: 28

  Education background

  Graduate school: guangxi nanning vocational and technical college

  The highest degree: college degree: college graduation date: 2007-07-01

  A major, major mould 2: CAD drawing

  Language ability

  Language: good English

  Other foreign language ability: no

  Mandarin level: excellent cantonese level: generally

  Ability to work and other specialty

  1. Skilled AutoCAD software, the reason is building software;

  2. The office software skilled;

  3. Engineering material compilation and arrangement;

  4. Bid designing.

  Objective and work experience

  Talent type: ordinary applying for a job

  Applied position: architectural drawing, librarians,

  Term: five titles: intermediate

  Job types: full-time date available: a week

  Monthly salary requirements: 3500-5000 hope work areas: guangzhou

  Personal experience:

  Company name:

  Start-stop years: 2009-~ 2 guangzhou's love Cardiff decoration engineering Co., LTD

  The company properties: private enterprise by sector: construction and engineering

  In the position of: material drawing part

  Job description:

  1. The design proposal (including hvac, electrical, medical gases) and technical tender document production;

  2. According to the construction progress is responsible for engineering materials (including work-start reports, construction organization plan and material inspection sheet, completion data) planning, commodity inspection, tracking, sorting and file;

