好处如下:1、英语阅读有助于全面提高英语能力。英语阅读逐渐成为我国学生、研究者、企业管理人员获取信息的主要手段之一。也是相互交流思想的便捷途径。阅读是人们最必要的学习工具之一,是通往周围世界的窗口。2、英语阅读有助于培养读者的跨文化交际能力。英语文本是英语文化的主要载体,阅读文本则是了解融人英语文化的主要手段。语言的存在需要有一个环境,不能脱离文化而存在,不能脱离社会继承下来的传统和信念。3、英语阅读有效提升人文素养。英语语言不仅是一种符号体系或交际T具,而且是英语民族认识、阐释世界的意义体系和价值体系,因而英语具有民族性和鲜明的人文属性。其他好处:1. 加深对英语单词的记忆。家长应选择一本适合孩子阅读的英文图画书。这样,孩子就有了学习的兴趣。当绘本故事中的单词在孩子的眼睛中反复出现时,孩子对单词的印象会加深,从而达到记忆的效果。这种记忆不同于死记硬背,是孩子通过愉快的阅读理解记忆,所以他会记得更多。孩子们喜欢看,他们就会反复地看,把这本图书看透为止。2. 培养孩子的英语语感。阅读对培养英语语感很有帮助。只有不断地阅读和学习更多的表达方式,才能逐渐形成语感。语感对以后的英语口语练习很有帮助。3.培养孩子的英语思维。让孩子经常阅读英语可以有效地培养孩子的英语思维,让孩子从小就摆脱中式英语的束缚。学习用英语思维来组织语言,将不再是先翻译成汉语再是英语,也不会读得很生硬。
读书的好处英语作文 中英对照
1、读书的好处(The Benefit of Reading Books)
the benefit of reading books
smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. but i consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.
reading books is very important. first of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.
one is never too old to learn. no matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. love books, for they are your best friends.
英语作文关于阅读 读书的好处英语作文带翻译
I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out. Secondly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future. Finally, reading helps us bee self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading. 我认为阅读对人们来说是终身受用的。阅读有许多好处。首先,读书可以使我们增长见识,不出门,便可知天下事。其次,读书能够使我们的阅读和写作能力得到提高。在你学会如何写之前,你得首先知道别人怎么写。再者,阅读能扩宽我们的知识面和眼界,这对我们将来找工作是很重要的。最后,阅读使我们变得有修养,这对我们一生都是很有好处的。因此,不管你现在多大,不管你在干什么,现在就开始读书吧。然后,你就会发现阅读的魅力和好处了。 要一篇关于阅读的好处的英语作文 带翻译的 120词左右 Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading. 说起读书,很多人都很兴奋,读书不仅能带给他们知识,而且也能带给他们娱乐。通过读书,我们能得到很多信息,了解我们的历史。但是对于一部分人来说,阅读并不是他们的首选。他们会选择看电影来找乐子。但是,我认为,读书能让我们获益。 First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history. Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age. 第一,读书能让我们知道历史。历史都被记录在数中,如果我们读书的话,我们不仅能了解历史,而且我们也能更加了解时代伟人。 Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge. By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening. Books record a wide range of things about life. Through reading, we can know various aspects of life. 第二,读书能让我们丰富我们的知识。通过读书,我们能了解很多事物,了解到事件是怎么发生的,怎么避免不利事件的发生。书本记录着社会的方方面面。通过读书,我们能了解生活的方方面面的知识。 Thirdly, reading teaches us skills. There are so many books about how to learn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to bee popular in your circle, how to cook and so on. Thus, these kinds of books can make us more skillful if we do a certain thing. 第三,我们能通过读书来学习一些技能。很多书都是写关于怎么学会一门语言,怎么找到一份好工作,怎么让自己在圈子中更受欢迎以及怎么烹饪等之类的东西。通过这些书,我们能在做事的时候更加熟练。 All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading. 总之,我们能够通过读书收获很多。 参考资料:linewow/article-15906 及时采纳能获取 5 财富值哦! 满意的话千万不要吝啬你的采纳!谢谢 更多 能找一篇好背的 容易记的吗 自己缩短一点咯,或把一些句子改成简单些 就是不会才问你的 帮忙改一下 跪求 等下 嗯嗯 谢谢了 Many people like reading books because it brings them knowledge and fun. By reading, we can learn lots of information. But some people don't like reading. They prefer watching movies. However, I think reading has many benefits. First , reading can let us know things happened in the past. If we read books, we can know more about human evolutions. Second, reading brings us knowledge. By reading, we can know different kinds of things. Books record many things about life. Through reading, we can have better views on life. Third, reading teaches us skills. There are so many books about how to learn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to cook and so on. So, these kinds of books can make us more skillful. in short, we can find lots of benefits through reading. 谢谢了 这个我就能看懂了 关于英语学习的英语作文 小学英语作文重要吗?在孩子上小学的时候,英语中的作文写作还是非常重要的,一般的每次考试之中,作文都会占据比较高的分值,很多孩子在写作文的时候不知道怎样写,但是也千万不要忽视了小学英语作文的重要性。 那么在孩子学习英语写作的时候,英语写作对孩子有哪些好处呢? 1.提升孩子做题能力 虽然我们都说学习英语主要是要用到是假的生活当中去,可是在我们中国目前的这个学习制度下,还是主要依靠笔试来评判成绩的好坏。因此,小学英语作业对小学生是至关重要的,影响到孩子做题的状况,以及未来他们的成绩。小学英语作文考察的东西比较多一点,它不仅能够让小学生了解到整体的英语知识框架,还可以提升小学生的做题能力,这样就更加易于帮助孩子提升英语能力。 2.帮助小学生巩固英语知识 小学英语作文怎么写,我们大家应该都知道,写英语作文的时候,不仅要对语法、单词有所了解,还需要自己去整理思路,和文章内容的先后顺序。我们在写英语作文的时候,大部分的内容都是从自己的脑子里整理出来的,我们将自己学习到的内容加以巩固、提炼,这就相当于给自己的英语知识做了一次巩固、复习的机会,加深英语在我们脑中的记忆,同时还可以提升我们的英语技能。 3.加强孩子的思考 我相信大家都有写过中文作文,我们在写中文作文的时候最重要的就是学习写作的框架,怎样通过内容将题目里面的主旨思想给突显出来。当然,小学英语作文,也是有同样的效果,在写小学英语作文的时候,我们也是需要了解英语的主旨思想,想清楚一篇文章如何通过内容将它的中心思想表现出来。这样一来,小学英语作文不仅能帮助孩子提升英语,还可以加强孩子对英语思考。 最后,小学英语作文学习还是很重要的事情,在孩子平时的学习之中,也要注意孩子的学习积累,这样才能更好的提升孩子的英语水平。 英语作文网上阅读有哪些好处 小学英语作文重要吗?在孩子上小学的时候,英语中的作文写作还是非常重要的,一般的每次考试之中,作文都会占据比较高的分值,很多孩子在写作文的时候不知道怎样写,但是也千万不要忽视了小学英语作文的重要性。 那么在孩子学习英语写作的时候,英语写作对孩子有哪些好处呢? 1.提升孩子做题能力 虽然我们都说学习英语主要是要用到是假的生活当中去,可是在我们中国目前的这个学习制度下,还是主要依靠笔试来评判成绩的好坏。因此,小学英语作业对小学生是至关重要的,影响到孩子做题的状况,以及未来他们的成绩。小学英语作文考察的东西比较多一点,它不仅能够让小学生了解到整体的英语知识框架,还可以提升小学生的做题能力,这样就更加易于帮助孩子提升英语能力。 2.帮助小学生巩固英语知识 小学英语作文怎么写,我们大家应该都知道,写英语作文的时候,不仅要对语法、单词有所了解,还需要自己去整理思路,和文章内容的先后顺序。我们在写英语作文的时候,大部分的内容都是从自己的脑子里整理出来的,我们将自己学习到的内容加以巩固、提炼,这就相当于给自己的英语知识做了一次巩固、复习的机会,加深英语在我们脑中的记忆,同时还可以提升我们的英语技能。 3.加强孩子的思考 我相信大家都有写过中文作文,我们在写中文作文的时候最重要的就是学习写作的框架,怎样通过内容将题目里面的主旨思想给突显出来。当然,小学英语作文,也是有同样的效果,在写小学英语作文的时候,我们也是需要了解英语的主旨思想,想清楚一篇文章如何通过内容将它的中心思想表现出来。这样一来,小学英语作文不仅能帮助孩子提升英语,还可以加强孩子对英语思考。 最后,小学英语作文学习还是很重要的事情,在孩子平时的学习之中,也要注意孩子的学习积累,这样才能更好的提升孩子的英语水平。 关于读书的英语作文 it's generally considered that reading do a lot of benefit to our students.not only can it make our after-school life more meaningful and corlourful,but it can expand our horizons.as a result,with reading more,we would grow into a better person. however, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time in playing games or surfing the inter,instead of reading. it's a pity to find it less and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit of reading. so,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we'd better take action right now.let's read together,learn together and grow tergether! 差点漏了翻译..... 大家都普遍认为读书对我们学生有莫大的益处。读书不仅丰富我们的课余时间,而且能拓宽我们的视野。所以,读书能使我们成长成为一个更优秀的人。 然而,在当下,我们中多数人都把大部分空闲时间耗费在玩游戏或者上网上,而不是用来读书。令人遗憾的是,我们越来越少学生对读书感兴趣,或是有读书的习惯。 所以,为了使读书,这种有益的活动重新流行起来,我们最好马上行动起来。让我们一同阅读,一同学习,一同成长! 如何提高阅读能力的英语作文 英文文章的结尾没有固定的模式,同学们可以根据表达主题的需要灵活创造。一般情况下,记叙文和说明文经常采用自然结尾的方法;但夹叙夹议和发表观点类的文章则往往有结束语,以使文章首尾呼应,结构完整。文章结尾的形式也因文章类别和开头的风格而灵活多变。 1.自然结尾,点明主题 随着文章的结束,文章自然而然地结尾。如“HelpingthePoliceman(帮助警察)”的结尾可以是:Theochildrenwerepraisedbythepoliceandtheyfelthappy.再如“TheTortoiseandtheHare(龟兔赛跑)”的结尾可以是:Whentheharegottothetree,thetortoisehadalreadybeenthere。 2.首尾呼应,升华主题 在英文文章的结尾可以用含义较深的话点明主题,深化主题,起到“画龙点睛”的效果。如“ILoveMyHometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:Ilovemyhometown,andIamproudofit. 3.反问结尾,引起深思 这种方式的结尾虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,而且具有一定的强调作用,可引起他人的深思。如“LearningEnglishcangiveusalotofpleasure(学英语能为我们带来许多乐趣)”的结尾可以是:IfwelearnEnglishwell,wecan…Don’tyouthinklearningEnglishisgreatfun? 4.表达祝愿,阐述愿望 这种方式的结尾常出现在书信或演讲稿的文体中,表示对他人的祝福或对将来的展望等。如“ALettertotheFarmers(给农民们的一封信)”的结尾可以是:Ihopethefarmers’lifewillbebetterandbetter. 另外,书信的结尾常有以下形式的祝福语:Besishes;IwishyouamerryChristmasandahappynewyear;Iwishyouhaveagoodtime等。 有关读书的英语作文, Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have. Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable. One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. Love books, for they are your best friends. I Learn English Like This English is very important for us. Everyone wants to learn it well. My English is very good. How do I learn English? First, I listen to the teacher and make notes carefully in class. I revise my old lessons and prepare my new lessons after class. Second, I like speaking English withmy clas *** ates, not only in classroom, but also on the playground. It's to improve my spoken English. Third, I keep a diary every day to practise my written English. Besides this, I often read English newspapers or magazines in order to enrich my knowledge on English culture. 英语对我们来说很重要,每个人都想学好英语。我的英语很好,那我是怎么学英语的呢? 首先,我上课认真听老师讲课,认真记笔记,课下我复习旧功课,预习新功课。 第二,我不仅在教室里,在操场上也一样喜欢和同学们说英语,这提高了我的口语。 第三,我坚持每天记日记来练习写作。 除此之外,我经常阅读英语报纸和杂志来丰富我的文化知识。 Improve Your English Through Practice After2 or3 years' English learning, you will probably wonder how to further improve your English. When you speak, do not translate what you want to say from Chinese into English. If you do, you'll get mixed up in some usages①. You'll consider“wait”as a transitive ② verb, for instance. You'll never add “to”after“listen”,but you might write “sheeps” for the plural form, though you know they're wrong when the mistakes are pointed out. Therefore, to improve your English, you need to practise your spoken English, and think in English. That is to say, you should build up your sense of the English language. Grasp any chance to speak English. When you see a desk, for example, have the word in your mind; say“What's the time? It's….”when you see a clock. In this way, you'll be able to learn with ease and use with freedom. For example, you'll be able to tell that“Korea Lies to the east of China.”but“Guangzhou Likes in the south of China.”without hard thinking. We're learning English as a foreign Language. It is true that we cannot learn it without any grammatical rules. But, your sense of grammatical rules es from constant③ use of language. It's unnecessary to recite the rules and apply④ the rules in speaking. In a word, you will improve your English only by opening your mouth to practise. Practice makes perfect. “What if I make mistakes in speaking English?”Do not worry. You needn't be afraid of making mistakes. Even when people speak their native language, they may make various kinds of mistakes! Further, many kinds of mistakes will be rubbed off in the process of learning through practice. 通过实践提高英语水平 【内容提示】 |当你学了两三年英语后就不知道如何进一步提高学习水平了。请你按下列要点写一篇短文,讲一讲提高英语学习水平的方法。 ①讲英语时不要将汉语翻译成英语; ②要练习用英语进行思维; ③培养英语的语感能力; ④抓住任何机会来练习口语; ⑤语法要在练习中掌握; ⑥尽量开口讲英语,不要怕出错。 转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 英语作文关于阅读 读书的好处英语作文带翻译
经典英语作文-读书的好处 The Benefit of Reading
以下是 无 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《经典英语作文-读书的好处 The Benefit of Reading》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道
阅读的好处 The Benefit of Reading
Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading.
First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history. Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age.
Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge. By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening. Books record a wide range of things about life. Through reading, we can know various aspects of life.
Thirdly, reading teaches us skills. There are so many books about how to learn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to become popular in your circle, how to cook and so on. Thus, these kinds of books can make us more skillful if we do a certain thing.
All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading.
英语作文-读书的好处The Benefit of Reading Books
以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《英语作文-读书的好处The Benefit of Reading Books》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。
smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. but i consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.
reading books is very important. first of all, it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge. furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.
one is never too old to learn. no matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time. love books, for they are your best friends.
读书可以增加知识量提高能力,可以修身养性。下面是我为大家精心整理的关于读书的好处初中英语作文,希望能够帮助到你们。 读书的好处 I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out. Secondly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future. Finally, reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading. 我认为阅读对人们来说是终身受用的.阅读有许多好处.首先,读书可以使我们增长见识,不出门,便可知天下事.其次,读书能够使我们的阅读和写作能力得到提高.在你学会如何写之前,你得首先知道别人怎么写.再者,阅读能扩宽我们的知识面和眼界,这对我们将来找工作是很重要的.最后,阅读使我们变得有修养,这对我们一生都是很有好处的.因此,不管你现在多大,不管你在干什么,现在就开始读书吧.然后,你就会发现阅读的魅力和好处了. 读书的好处 Since the childhood, I the most favorite thing to do is to study, I have read many books, there is "always cuckoo", "wu DiuDiuDe adventure", "little fox buy gloves", and "the window of small doug"... There are many benefits for me to read. Can not only help me when doing the reading, a better understanding of the meaning of the article, and can be better for me to apply my good word, we can also let us learn a lot, understand a lot of sense. Read to make us happy! Reading let us have more laughter! Among them, I most like to watch "Madame Curie". Madame Curie is like us, since the childhood like intimate contact with nature, Copernicus was her model. Selfless great simplicity, humility, her character, persistent, hard work, perseverance, indomitable spirit, she found two elements, polonium and radium, she won two Nobel prizes. Who can imagine, she is the "mother", radium gave great contribution to the wealth to the world, he even do research, could not afford to 1 gram of radium. As a great woman, she won the sympathy of the people of the world, support and respect. Read the "Madame Curie", I think I should learn from her, learning her not to difficultly lowers the head, she determined the indomitable spirit of hard. I'm going to study hard, grow up to do a scientist like her. Let us together, can read, read good books, good books! 从小到大的,我最喜欢做的事就是读书,我读过许许多多的书,有《永远的布谷鸟》、《乌丢丢的奇遇》、《小狐狸买手套》、还有《窗边的小豆豆》…… 对我来说读书有许多好处。不仅可以帮助我在做阅读的时候,更好的理解文章的意思,而且可以让我运用到更好的好词、好句,还可以让我们学到很多知识,明白很多道理。读书让我们快乐!读书让我们有更多的欢声笑语! 其中,我最喜欢看《居里夫人》。居里夫人也和我们一样,从小喜欢与大自然亲密接触,哥白尼曾是她的榜样。伟大无私的她、谦虚质朴的高尚品格,坚毅刻苦、锲而不舍的顽强精神,她发现了两种元素——钋和镭,她一生获得了两次诺贝尔奖。有谁能想像,她是镭的“母亲”,将巨大的财富贡献给了全世界,自己却连做研究用的1克镭也买不起。作为一位伟大的女性,她赢得了世界人民的同情、支持和敬仰。 读了《居里夫人》,我觉得我应该向她学习,学习她不向困难低头,学习她坚毅刻苦的顽强精神。我现在要好好学习,长大做一个向她一样的科学家。 让我们一起:会读书、读好书、好读书吧! 读书的好处 it's generally considered that reading do a lot of benefit to our students.not only can it make our after-school life more meaningful and corlourful,but it can expand our horizons.as a result,with reading more,we would grow into a better person. however, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time in playing games or surfing the internet,instead of reading. it's a pity to find it less and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit of reading. so,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we'd better take action right now.let's read together,learn together and grow tergether! 大家都普遍认为读书对我们学生有莫大的益处.读书不仅丰富我们的课余时间,而且能拓宽我们的视野.所以,读书能使我们成长成为一个更优秀的人. 然而,在当下,我们中多数人都把大部分空闲时间耗费在玩游戏或者上网上,而不是用来读书.令人遗憾的是,我们越来越少学生对读书感兴趣,或是有读书的习惯.
读书可以增加知识量提高能力,可以修身养性。 读书的好处 I think reading is important in the whole life for people. There are many benefits of reading. Firstly, reading increases our knowledge and we can learn the world affairs without going out. Secondly, reading is a good way to improve reading and writing skills. Before you learn to write, you must know how others write. Thirdly, reading can broaden our knowledge and horizon, which is important to job hunting in the future. Finally, reading helps us become self-cultivation that would be beneficial to our whole life. Therefore, start to reading, no matter how old you are and what you are doing. Then, you may find the great charm and benefits of reading. 我认为阅读对人们来说是终身受用的.阅读有许多好处.首先,读书可以使我们增长见识,不出门,便可知天下事.其次,读书能够使我们的阅读和写作能力得到提高.在你学会如何写之前,你得首先知道别人怎么写.再者,阅读能扩宽我们的知识面和眼界,这对我们将来找工作是很重要的.最后,阅读使我们变得有修养,这对我们一生都是很有好处的.因此,不管你现在多大,不管你在干什么,现在就开始读书吧.然后,你就会发现阅读的魅力和好处了. 读书的好处 Since the childhood, I the most favorite thing to do is to study, I have read many books, there is always cuckoo, wu DiuDiuDe adventure, little fox buy gloves, and the window of small doug... There are many benefits for me to read. Can not only help me when doing the reading, a better understanding of the meaning of the article, and can be better for me to apply my good word, we can also let us learn a lot, understand a lot of sense. Read to make us happy! Reading let us have more laughter! Among them, I most like to watch Madame Curie. Madame Curie is like us, since the childhood like intimate contact with nature, Copernicus was her model. Selfless great simplicity, humility, her character, persistent, hard work, perseverance, indomitable spirit, she found two elements, polonium and radium, she won two Nobel prizes. Who can imagine, she is the mother, radium gave great contribution to the wealth to the world, he even do research, could not afford to 1 gram of radium. As a great woman, she won the sympathy of the people of the world, support and respect. Read the Madame Curie, I think I should learn from her, learning her not to difficultly lowers the head, she determined the indomitable spirit of hard. I'm going to study hard, grow up to do a scientist like her. Let us together, can read, read good books, good books! 从小到大的,我最喜欢做的事就是读书,我读过许许多多的书,有《永远的布谷鸟》、《乌丢丢的奇遇》、《小狐狸买手套》、还有《窗边的小豆豆》 其中,我最喜欢看《居里夫人》。居里夫人也和我们一样,从小喜欢与大自然亲密接触,哥白尼曾是她的榜样。伟大无私的她、谦虚质朴的高尚品格,坚毅刻苦、锲而不舍的顽强精神,她发现了两种元素钋和镭,她一生获得了两次诺贝尔奖。有谁能想像,她是镭的母亲,将巨大的财富贡献给了全世界,自己却连做研究用的1克镭也买不起。作为一位伟大的女性,她赢得了世界人民的同情、支持和敬仰。 读了《居里夫人》,我觉得我应该向她学习,学习她不向困难低头,学习她坚毅刻苦的顽强精神。我现在要好好学习,长大做一个向她一样的科学家。 让我们一起:会读书、读好书、好读书吧! 读书的好处 it's generally considered that reading do a lot of benefit to our students.not only can it make our after-school life more meaningful and corlourful,but it can expand our horizons.as a result,with reading more,we would grow into a better person. however, in current days,many of us spend most of the leisure time in playing games or surfing the internet,instead of reading. it's a pity to find it less and less our students are interesting in reading,or have formed a habit of reading. so,in order to revive reading,this beneficial activity,we'd better take action right now.let's read together,learn together and grow tergether! 大家都普遍认为读书对我们学生有莫大的益处.读书不仅丰富我们的课余时间,而且能拓宽我们的视野.所以,读书能使我们成长成为一个更优秀的人. 然而,在当下,我们中多数人都把大部分空闲时间耗费在玩游戏或者上网上,而不是用来读书.令人遗憾的是,我们越来越少学生对读书感兴趣,或是有读书的习惯. 所以,为了使读书,这种有益的活动重新流行起来,我们最好马上行动起来.让我们一同阅读,一同学习,一同成长!