in debate
欠债 [qiàn zhài]
be in debt; run into debt; debt due; outstanding accounts;
I'll pay off my debt with this check.
欠债 [qiàn zhài] be in debtrun into debtowe a debtdebt dueoutstanding accounts
I propose to pay back all the debts immediately.
I propose to pay back all the debts immediately.
In debt, pay back.
payment in arrears
"三月以前的欠款" 怎么说英文
the arrears before March~~~~~~
[网络] Credit notes;
Credit notes
欠债的英语翻译 欠债用英语怎么说
be in debt; run into debt; owe a debt
Never get into debt if you can avoid it .
I 'll pay off my debt with this check .
His extravagance explains why he is always in debt .
I'm racking my brain to find a way to keep head above water .
She owes money right and left .
欠债的英语是in debt。in debt相关的短语有be in debt;run into debt;owe a debt:欠别人的钱。debt due;outstanding accounts:所欠的债。Wage arrears:拖欠工资。Under consideration:欠考虑。national debt:国债。be out of debt:还清欠款。get into debt:债务缠身。他曾是个天生的说谎者并经常欠债。He was a congenital liar and usually in debt.他欠债之多让我们震惊。We were shocked at the size of his debts.
欠款英语:debt其他意思:arrears, due, liability, obligation复数:debts.Debt 是一个名词,表示欠款或债务,通常指一个人、实体或国家需要向其他人、实体或国家支付的未付款项。这个词通常用于金融、经济和商业场景。以下是关于 debt的一些用法:1、He has a lot of debts to pay off.他有很多债务要还清。2、She is trying to reduce her credit card debt.她正在努力减少信用卡欠款。debt的例句:1、The company managed to reduce its debt by implementing strict cost-cutting measures and increasing its revenue.该公司通过实施严格的成本削减措施并增加收入成功地减少了债务。2、The student loan debt has become a major concern for many young graduates who are trying to establish themselves in their careers and plan for their future.学生贷款债务已成为许多试图在职业生涯中确立自己地位并为未来做规划的年轻毕业生的主要担忧。3、Governments often issue bonds to finance public projects, which in turn contributes to the national debt.政府通常发行公债来为公共项目筹集资金,这反过来又增加了国家债务。
欠债还钱,天经地义,但是如果遇上了欠钱不还的无赖,那你借出去的钱就有可能一去不回了。那么你知道表示欠债用英语怎么说吗?那么下面跟着我学习一下,希望能对大家学习英语有所帮助! 1. Deadbeat Deadbeat是美语中对“老赖”最常用的称呼。遇到那些赖账的人或不讲信用的公司,小伙伴们就尽情地用这个词招呼他们吧。 例:He's a real deadbeat who's never had a proper job. 他是个地道的老赖,从来就没个正经工作。 2. Be in debt to Be in debt to意思是“欠债”,后面加sb,表示欠某人的钱。 例:They are in debt to the bank. 他们欠了银行一屁股债。 3. Owe money to Owe表示“亏欠”的意思,貌似没有比这个用法更直白的了。 例: If you owe money to others , you have to pay. Don't quibble! 欠债就得还钱,别唧唧歪歪了! 4. Bad pay Bad pay表示“没有偿还能力,信用差”的意思。 例:As far as we know, that man is bad pay. 据我们所知,那人没有信用,欠债不还。 5. Pay one’s debt to the last penny 这个短语相当形象,to the last penny就是“一个子儿都不剩”的意思。 例:He paid all his debts to the last penny. 他还清了全部债务,分文不欠。
欠债的英语是in debt。in debt相关的短语有be in debt;run into debt;owe a debt:欠别人的钱。debt due;outstanding accounts:所欠的债。Wage arrears:拖欠工资。Under consideration:欠考虑。national debt:国债。be out of debt:还清欠款。get into debt:债务缠身。例句有:1、公司欠债数百万,现在已进入破产管理阶段。The company has now gone into receivership with debts of several million.2、让我深感震惊的是,孩子们竟会背着父母欠债累累。I am appalled that children can mount up debts unbeknown to their parents.3、如果能避免,绝不要欠债。Never get into debt if you can avoid it.
问题一:欠费 英文该怎么说? 欠费: bill that is overdue, past due; overdue bill, past due bill. My phone bill is late, my tuition is late. My phone bill is past due, my tuition is past due. My phone bill is overdue, my tuition is overdue.
问题二:“手机欠费”用英语怎么表达 手机欠费叫“out of credit”
问题三:手机欠费英文怎么说阿?! 既然你问关于手机的 我就都发给你
中英文对照) 数字移动电话网交换机录音通知规范1、空号:
英文:Sorry! The number you dialed does not exist, please check it and dial later.
英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is power off.
英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later.
英文:Sorry, your telephone charge is overdue, please renew it, thank you!
英文:Sorry! Your telephone service is suspended, for more information, please dial “1860”.
英文:Sorry! The number you dialed is out of service.
英文:Sorry! Please hold on,the subscriber you dialed is busy now,.
英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed is busy now, please redial later.
英文:Sorry!The subscriber you dialed can not be connected for the moment, please redial later.
英文:Sorry! The subscriber you dialed has set barring of ining calls.
10、 国际长权限制:
英文:Sorry! You have not applied for IDD service, please make registrations. For more information, please dial “1860”.
中文: 请直接拨打对方手机号码,无需加“0”。
英文:Sorry! Please dial mobile phone number directly, no need to dial “0”. ......>>
问题四:"欠费"用英语该怎么说? owe *** . a debt; run i珐to debt;outstranding accounts;
问题五:我手机欠费了用英语怎么表达 My mobile phone is out of credit.
问题六:手机欠费,手机充值用英语怎么说? 手机欠费 My cellphone charge/credit is 福verdue.
手机充值 Top up my cellphone.
问题七:手机停机了英语怎么说啊 1.中国移动经常说的“Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service”
2.mobile phone was shut off。
3.mobile phone was out of credit
30% 预付款 70%尾款 英语翻译
30% 预付款 70%尾款 英语翻译:30% Advance 70% End Payment。预付款:advance charge ,英 [ədˈvɑːns tʃɑːdʒ] , 美 [ədˈvæns tʃɑːrdʒ] ;双语例句:1、The Innovation& Market of IC Card Advance Charge Intelligent Gas MeterIC卡预付费智能燃气表的开发与市场分析。2、We request no payments in advance and will not charge your credit card您不需要提前付款,我们也不会从您的信用卡上收取费用。advance payment ,英 [ədˈvɑːns ˈpeɪmənt] 美 [ədˈvæns ˈpeɪmənt] ;双语例句:1、Have you received my advance payment? 你拿到我的预付款吗?2、I have received an advance payment. 我已收到一笔预付款。扩展资料:Full paragraph,全款。列句:1、你不必付全款。翻译:You don't have to pay the full amount.2、如果不能贷款的话,总是可以付全款的。翻译:If getting a mortgage is not an option, one can always pay cash.欠款:Arrears,还欠款:pay debts; 收回欠款:recover a debt,欠款金额:amount in arrear。列句:1、我们起草了一份剩余欠款的还款计划。翻译:We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed. 2、他的汽车因为欠款被公司收回。His car was repossessed by the company.
指标的英文缩写如下:KPI低骨量概括地说,可以继续使用术语“骨量减少”(Osteopenia),但应首选“低骨量”(low bone mass)或“低骨密度”(low bone density).对绝经前女性和50岁以下男性,首选z值(不是T值)。1、骨量稀少: osteopenia osteopenia2、骨单位 osteons 骨量稀少;骨量减少 osteopenia 骨石化症 osteopetrosis ...3、峰值骨量: PBM PBM4、骨量减少: Osteopenia;osteopenia扩展资料:一、脂肪1、脂肪的供给量脂肪无供给量标准。不同地区由于经济发展水平和饮食习惯的差异,脂肪的实际摄入量有很大差异。我国营养学会建议膳食脂肪供给量不宜超过总能量的30%,其中饱和、单不饱和、多不饱和脂肪酸的比例应为1:1:1。亚油酸提供的能量能达到总能量的1%~2%即可满足人体对必需脂肪酸的需要。2、脂肪的来源脂肪的来源可分下述二种:动物性来源:动物体内贮存的脂肪:如猪油、牛油、羊油、鱼油、骨髓、肥肉、鱼肝油等。动物乳中的脂肪:如奶油等。植物性来源:植物性脂肪来源主要是从植物中的果实内提取,如芝麻、葵花子、茶生、核桃、松籽、黄豆等。脂肪的主要来源是烹调用油脂和食物本身所含的油脂。表5是几种食物中的脂肪含量。从下表内的数字可见,果仁脂肪含量最高,各种肉类居中,米、面、蔬菜、水果中含量很少。
财务指标英文是Financial Index。Financial Index的音标:英/faɪˈnænʃl ˈɪndeks/。financial───adj.金融的;财政的,财务的。index───vi.做索引;vt.指出;编入索引中;n.指标;指数;索引;指针。近义词有Financial Ratios、financial measures、KPI。财务指标是指企业总结和评价财务状况和经营成果的相对指标,中国为企业规定的三种财务指标为:偿债能力指标,包括资产负债率、流动比率、速动比率;营运能力指标,包括应收账款周转率、存货周转率;盈利能力指标,包括资本金利润率、销售利润率、成本费用利润率等。工业企业财务指标的主要内容包括:固定资产。分固定资产原值、固定资产净值,每百元固定资产(原值或净值)提供的利润等;流动资金。分全部流动资金、定额流动资金、储备资金、生产资金、货币资金和结算资金,每百元产值占用定额流动资金,定额流动资金周转速度等。部分财务指标的英文:Solvency indicators, including asset liability ratio, current ratio and quick ratio; Operational capability indicators, including accounts receivable turnover rate and inventory turnover rate; Profitability indicators, cost expense profit margin。财务指标的例句:1、最后,通过利用单一的财务指标,避免了综合财务指标运用过程中的一些主观判断问题,增强了计算结果的科学和合理性。Avoid the subjectivity by using single financial index, making the result more scientific and reasonable. 2、美国股票市场金融指数波动对我国股票市场影响的实证分析。The Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Fluctuation of Financial Index of American Stock Market on Chinese Stock Market. 3、目前,我国学者大多偏好使用常规的单要素指标研究证券公司的效率,难以反映效率的全貌。At present, the majority of Chinese researchers study the efficiency of securities companies with traditional financial index. 4、本章主要是选取上市公司的财务指标并采用描述统计的方法进行分析。The chapter selects the financial index of public companies and analyzes with the descriptive statistics method. 5、因此,如何构建一套全面、系统的财务分析指标体系就显得更为重要了。Therefore, how to construct a set of comprehensive and systematic financial index system appears to be more important.6、在股权分置时代,净资产是用来评判资产价值高低的财务指标,并有资产转让不能低于净资产这样的规定。 In the time of Equity Division, net asset is the financial index to value the assets.